Iqra University

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Talent Based Scholarship

Iqra University acknowledges the need for a healthy body for a healthy mind, and in channelizing the energies of the youth in positive & productive directions. University has established state of the art facilities and created other avenues giving students options to best utilize their talent and energies and become more productive citizens of Pakistan.

To encourage the students, both at admission and during their academic journey, University has formulated scholarships to acknowledge the students’ talent. To avail scholarships, following are the qualifying criteria:

At the time of admission:

  1. Not less than 45%* / CGPA 2.0 in his / her last academic qualification.
  2. Must pass University Admission Test.
  3. Student must have been awarded Gold / Silver / Bronze Medal at Regional / National / International Level events organized by the authentic bodies duly verifiable & recognized by the University.
  4. Must clear the interview and assessment of University’s “Talent Assessment Committee”
  5. Scholarship, if awarded, will be for 1st Year only. However, from 2nd Year onwards, student will be eligible to avail other academic and non-academic scholarships, if he / she qualifies for it as per performance criteria set by the respective policy document of the University.

* For AD Program Not less than 40% in his / her last academic qualification

During Academic Journey with Iqra University:

  1. Must have participated in Zonal* / National / International events at least in last 12 months while being student of the Iqra University
  2. Must have cleared the interview & assessment of University’s “Talent Assessment Committee”
  3. Haven’t represented any other institution / organization during his stay with the University in any Semester
  4. Must maintain a minimum CGPA is 2.50
  5. No scholarship will be awarded again for a course in which student has “F” grade.
  6. No disciplinary proceeding is pending against the student
  7. Student is not involved in any prohibitive activity
  8. Student must maintain an attendance of 80% or above


* Minimum five universities must have participated in such competition to qualify for the scholarship program.

Following Scholarship Grid will be applied in both cases.

Sr. No.


Scholarship Offered {Tuition Fee Only}

Up to


Winner of Gold / Silver / Bronze Medal at International Event



Participated at International Event and Winner of Gold / Silver / Bronze Medal at National Level



Winner of Gold / Silver / Bronze Medal at National level



Winner of Gold / Silver / Bronze Medal at Zonal* / Regional Level Events


Student, if qualifies can avail other academic and non-academic scholarships subject to the condition that he / she qualifies for the same as per criteria set by the respective policy document of the University. Student(s) can avail only one scholarship at a time which is most favorable to the student.

Following are the members of “Talent Assessment Committee”

Sr. #




Registrar or his / her nominee



One Person Nominated by VC



Director Sports



Coach / Mentor / Facilitator



Director / Head Students Societies



If student(s) win the Gold / Sliver / Bronze Medal in aforementioned events or in any H.E.C Inter-University Championship, University will pay an additional prize money @ PKR 35,000/- for winning Gold Medal, @PKR 25,000/- for winning Silver Medal, and @PKR 20,000 for winning Bronze Medal. This additional prize will be extended to all such winners.

IU ORIC is thrilled to announce that 4 innovative packaging designs from IU have been granted design patents by the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO). A special endorsement to Dr. Baber Khan from the Media Sciences Department for his exceptional contributions.

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