Introduction to
Bachelor of Cyber Security
The BS Cyber Security program focuses on equipping students with the skills to manage international cybersecurity challenges and address cross-cultural issues in a globalized digital economy. The program emphasizes upon comprehensive training in threat detection, risk management, and digital infrastructure protection, ensuring graduates are prepared to tackle evolving security threats and contribute to a more secure digital landscape.

Learning Outcomes
- Develop expertise in protecting complex systems and networks from cyber threats.
- Apply advanced tools and methodologies to safeguard digital infrastructures.
- Analyze and address security vulnerabilities in various computing environments.
Job Market
The Software Engineering bachelor program offered at the department is well linked to the local industry and is catering for the local as well as regional demand for Software Engineers. The department works in collaboration with the industry through an industrial advisory board setup. Almost every type of industry employs Software Engineer, be it computer, IT industry, process and manufacturing industry or defense industry.

- Calculus and Analytic Geometry
- Cloud Computing
- Cloud Computing Lab
- Communication Skills
- Complex Variables and Transforms
- Computer Architecture & Logic Design
- Computer Architecture & Logic Design Lab
- Computer Networks
- Computer Networks Lab
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Data Structures and Algorithms Lab
- Database Systems
- Database Systems Labs
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Discrete Structures
- Final Year Project - I
- Final Year Project - II
- Formal Methods in Software Engineering
- Functional English
- Human Computer Interaction
- Human Computer Interaction Lab
- Information & Communication Technologies
- Information & Communication Technologies Lab
- Information Security
- Islamic Studies
- Linear Algebra
- MDEE-I (Embedded Systems)
- MDEE-I (Embedded Systems) Lab
- MDEE-II (Internet of Things)
- MS Elective-1 (Engg / Project Management)
- MS Elective-II (Entrepreneurship & marketing)
- MS Elective-II (Entrepreneurship & marketing)
- Natural Science (Applied Physics )
- Natural Science (Applied Physics ) Lab
- Numerical Analysis
- Numerical Analysis Lab
- Object Oriented Programming
- Object Oriented Programming Lab
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Operating Systems
- Operating Systems Lab
- Pakistan Studies and Global Perspective
- Probability & Statistics
- Programming Fundamentals
- Programming Fundamentals Lab
- Social Science (Example: Sociology)
- Social Science-II (Engg. Economics)
- Software Construction & Development
- Software Construction & Development Lab
- Software Design & Architecture
- Software Engineering Elective-I
- Software Engineering Elective-II
- Software Engineering Elective-III
- Software Engineering Elective-IV
- Software Engineering Elective-V
- Software Engineering Elective-VI
- Software Engineering Fundamentals
- Software Project Management
- Software Quality Engineering
- Technical Writing & Presentation Skills
Campuses Offering