Iqra University

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Loyalty Scholarship

Iqra University offers admissions through its multiple campuses in Sindh & Federal Capital Territory. To facilitate the students coming from the same family, University offers scholarship to the family members to share the burden on Tuition Fee aligning to its mission to educate Pakistani Citizen at an affordable price.

Sibling Admission Scholarship:

Sr. No.


First Student

Second Student

More Than Two


No Sibling





One Sibling *





More than One sibling **




*        Two from same family

**     More than two but up to four from the same family.

In order to maintain the scholarship after the 1st Semester following would be applicable.

General Terms & Conditions:

  1. Must qualify Iqra University admission criteria
  2. Must provide evidence of relationship {NADRA Form B / FRC}
  3. Step brother(s) and sister(s) are not considered part of the family
  4. After 1st semester maintaining CGPA is compulsory to continue with scholarship offered as below:


Grade In Semesters

CGPA = > 3.5

CGPA 3.00 to 3.49

CGPA 2.5 to 2.99

No Sibling




One Sibling




> One Sibling





  • 100% of the scholarship offered is withdrawn if:
  • CGPA falls below 2.50
  • “F” grade in any subject
  • Any disciplinary proceeding is pending against the student
  • Student is involved in any prohibitive activity
  • Student drops any Semester during his / her educational journey
  • Student fails to maintain 80% attendance


  1. Scholarship is calculated on the basis of the date of admission of each student, while existing sibling discount will be calculated on the admission fee applicable at the time student has taken the admission
  2. Sibling scholarship is based on the date of admission, with no prior period adjustment under any circumstances
  3. Sibling scholarship as mentioned above is applicable for each sibling’s independent scores and will not impact each other’s academic performance for availing the scholarship
  4. Sibling scholarship once awarded will continue till completion of the program subject to condition in (d) and (e)

Sibling, after 1st Semester, can avail other academic and non-academic scholarships, if he / she qualifies for it as per performance criteria set by the respective policy document of the University. The student can avail only one scholarship at a time, which is most favorable to the student.


Children & Spouse Admission Scholarship:

Spouse & Children of Iqra University Graduates will be offered a scholarship of 20% only on Tuition Fee.


General Terms & Conditions:

  1. Must qualify Iqra University admission criteria
  2. Must provide evidence of relationship as defined by the University
  3. After 1st semester maintaining CGPA is compulsory to continue with scholarship offered as below:

Grade In Semesters

CGPA = > 3.5

CGPA 3.00 to 3.49

CGPA 2.5 to 2.99

Spouse & Children





  • 100% of the scholarship offered is withdrawn if:
  • CGPA falls below 2.50
  • “F” grade in any subject
  • Disciplinary proceeding pending against the student
  • Student is involved in ant prohibitive activity
  • Student drops any Semester during his / her educational journey
  • Student fails to maintain 80% attendance


  1. Scholarship is calculated on the basis of date of admission of each student
  2. Scholarship as mentioned above is applicable for each Spouse & Children’s independent scores and will not impact each other’s academic performance for availing the scholarship
  3. Scholarship once awarded will continue till completion of the program subject to condition in (c) and (d) above

Student(s) can avail other academic and non-academic scholarships offered by the University, if he /she qualifies for it as per performance criteria set by the respective policy document of the University. The student can avail only one scholarship at a time, which is most favorable to the student.

IU ORIC is thrilled to announce that 4 innovative packaging designs from IU have been granted design patents by the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO). A special endorsement to Dr. Baber Khan from the Media Sciences Department for his exceptional contributions.

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