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Iqra University

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Collaborations {MOU for Supporting HEC}

Vision of Iqra University, as defined in its vision & mission statement, is to provide affordable education to citizens of Pakistan. In order to achieve its vision, University signs-off Memorandum- Of-Understanding {MOU} with different Welfare Organizations / NGOs / NPOs / Trusts etc. to offer scholarships to deserving students in its various programs.

Iqra University, enters into MOUs with organization offering different scholarships, based on the very basic concept that each student, referred / supported by any such Organization must meet Iqra University basic admission criteria and must continue to comply, during his / her education journey, with Iqra University minimum academic criteria to continue availing the scholarship.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Student must be a citizen of Pakistan
  • Attain the required academic minimums for admission
  • Have an outstanding academic performance
  • Outstanding talent in legitimate and recognized extra-curricular activities
  • Must take full course load in regular semester with a qualifying CGPA
  • Must be properly approved by the sponsoring body in writing, after due diligence and verification of academic performance.

Percentage of scholarship offered under any MOU based program will be on the recommendation of Director Finance and Approval of Chancellor / Vice Chancellor up to 30%. Any discount exceeding 30% is to be approved by Chancellor on the recommendation of Director Finance + Vice Chancellor. This discount will be offered only on Tuition Fee.

After 1st Semester, student(s) can avail other scholarships offered by the University, if he /she qualifies for it as per performance criteria set by the respective policy document of the University. Student can avail only one scholarship at a time, most favorable to the student.


To Continue, availing the scholarship, the student must meet the following basic criteria failing which scholarship will be withdrawn:

General Terms & Conditions:

  1. No disciplinary proceeding is pending against the student
  2. Student is not involved in any prohibitive activity
  3. CGPA is 2.50 or above
  4. No “F” grade in any subject
  5. Must have 80% attendance
  6. Must participate in “IU Volunteer Program” of Iqra University

IU ORIC is thrilled to announce that 4 innovative packaging designs from IU have been granted design patents by the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO). A special endorsement to Dr. Baber Khan from the Media Sciences Department for his exceptional contributions.

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