Iqra University

IU Faculty Funding Achievements: Advancing Research and Innovation

Principal Investigator DetailsProject CallStatus
 Dr. Aarij Mahmood HussaanInternational Consultancy AgreementAuton8Completed
Mr. Shehryar SarwarEnvironmental Sustainability Project by Milkar FoundationSmall Ambassador GrantCompleted
Dr. Atiya MasoodVisiting Scholar RoleNational Institute of Water and Atmospheric ResearchCompleted
Dr. Anjum BanoNational Research GrantNational Research Program for UniversitiesIn Progress
Dr. Mansoor EbrahimNational Research GrantNational Research Program for UniversitiesIn Progress
Engr. Ikram e KhudaNational Research GrantNational Research Program for UniversitiesIn Progress
Dr. S. M. Asim RizviNational Research GrantNational Research Program for UniversitiesIn Progress
Dr. Aarij Mahmood HussaanNational Research GrantNational Research Program for UniversitiesIn Progress
Mr. Muhammad KhanNational Research GrantNational Research Program for UniversitiesIn Progress
Dr. Shehla Naeem ZafarResearch Subcontract with Pakistan Institute of Living and Learning1C Sub Grant AgreementIn Progress
IQRA University (Dr. Imtiaz Arif) Independent Expert AgreementSindh Rural Support Program/ GHS SamiIn Progress
IQRA University (Dr. Imtiaz Arif) Independent Expert AgreementSindh Rural Support Program/ GHS Numaish ColonyIn Progress
Dr AnjumNational Research GrantPeople’s Schools ProgramIn Progress
Dr AnjumNational Research GrantPeople’s Schools ProgramIn Progress
Dr. Ali RazaInternational Joint ResearchUCSI University Research Excellence.In Progress
Dr. Sameer QaziInternational Consultancy ContractBasic Research GrantIn Progress
Dr.  Aarij Mahmood HussaanInternational Consultancy AgreementYouthApp.ioIn Progress
Mr. Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar  National Consultancy ContractMassnogixIn Progress
Dr. Khalid AhmedNational Consultancy ContractAG ConsultrainingIn Progress
30+ Final Year ProjectIgniteNational Grassroots ICT Research Initiative 2023-24Shortlisted
Dr. Abdul Ahad AbroNational Research GrantRapid Technology Transfer GrantSubmitted
Dr. Zubair AhmedNational Research GrantRapid Technology Transfer GrantSubmitted
Dr. Anjum BanoInternational Research GrantUK small Research GrantsSubmitted
Dr. Anjum BanoInternational Research GrantUnited Nations Office on Drugs and CrimeSubmitted
Dr. Anjum BanoNational Research GrantSindh Rural Support ProgramSubmitted
Dr. Muhammad ImranInternational Research GrantUK small Research GrantsSubmitted
Dr. Muhammad ImranNational Research GrantPERIDOTSubmitted
Dr. Dure JabeenNational Research GrantPERIDOTSubmitted
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