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Using Forum Activity

IQRALMS, a widely-used learning management system, offers a versatile tool known as the Forum activity. This article delves into the intricacies of utilizing the Forum activity within IQRALMS to promote collaborative learning experiences.

Applies to: 

It applies to instructors, and administrator seeking to leverage online platforms for enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes.

Types of Forums:

  1. Standard Forum for General Use:
    • Includes an introduction text above the list of discussions.
    • Allows students to start new discussions and reply to existing ones.

  1. Each Person Posts One Discussion:
    • Each student can start one discussion and reply to others.
    • Encourages ownership of specific topics.
  2. Single, Simple Discussion:
    • Teacher posts a question, and students can only reply.
    • Focuses discussions on a single topic.
  3. Question and Answer Forum:
    • Teacher posts a question, and students provide answers.
    • Can restrict students from viewing others’ posts until they’ve contributed.
    • Option to disable editing time delays for immediate notifications.

User Functionality:

  • Replying to Discussions:
    • Inline reply box with advanced options available.
  • Star Discussions:
    • Favorite discussions to prioritize them.
  • Sort Discussions:
    • By replies, last post, or creation date.
  • Permalinks:
    • Allows linking directly to specific forum posts.
  • Forum Preferences:
    • Manage settings like tracking and subscription modes.

Ideas for Using Forums:

  • Encourages active participation and discussion among students.
  • Provides flexibility for instructors to guide or lead discussions.
  • Can integrate with other teaching methods to enhance learning outcomes.


Forum Grading, User Functionality, Using Forum.


Revision History:

Version1.0: Initial draft highlights both student engagement features and administrative tools for instructors.

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