Iqra University

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Furqan

Iqra University


  • M.Phil
  • M.B.B.S

Research Interests

Cardiovascular System with emphasis on blood pressure.


Dr. Muhammad Furqan is a distinguished Professor of Physiology with over three decades of academic and clinical experience. He obtained his M.Phil in Physiology from the Basic Medical Science Institute at Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center, affiliated with the University of Karachi, in 1998, where his research focused on the relationships among smoking, serum lipids, blood pressure, and serum ferritin. Dr. Furqan completed his M.B.B.S from Sindh Medical College in 1987. He has held numerous prestigious academic positions, including his current role at Iqra Medical and Dental College. Throughout his career, Dr. Furqan has been dedicated to teaching and mentoring students in various medical disciplines, including MBBS, BDS, and Biomedical Engineering. His administrative experience includes serving as Principal and Vice Principal at Hamdard College of Medicine and Dentistry. Dr. Furqan is also a life member of the Pakistan Medical Association and the Pakistan Physiological Society, reflecting his commitment to advancing medical education and research in Pakistan. His extensive list of publications highlights his contributions to medical research and his ongoing dedication to improving healthcare outcomes.


  • Meo SA, FurqanM, Ghori GM, Memon MA. Measurement Of Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) AndForced Expiratory Volume In First Second (FEV­1­­) In Cotton Mill Workers AtKarachi, Pakistan. Medical Channel.  2001; 7(2):33-35.
  • Furqan M, Nafees M, (Capt) Khoja A, Khan S R,Hijazi MM Relationship Between Smoking and Serum FerritinAnnalsOf Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and Karachi Medical and Dental College.2002; 7 : 274-277.
  • Furqan M, Nafees M, Jilani T, Hijazi MM. RelationshipBetween Physical Activity and Serum Ferritin. Annals Of AbbasiShaheed Hospital and Karachi Medical and Dental College. 2002; 7:305-309.
  • Jilani T, SiddiquiMA, Arif M, Furqan MEffects Of Acute Exercise On SerumMalondialehyde Levels In Physically Trained And Untrained Apparently HealthyPeopleMedical Channel. 2002; 8(2):8-10
  • Hijazi MM, JanjuaMZ, Zia-ul-Islam, Furqan M. Protective Effect of Vitamin “E” AgainstNicotine Induced Morphological Changes In Rat TestisAnnals OfAbbasi Shaheed Hospital and Karachi Medical and Dental College. 2002;7(2) : 374-382
  • Raza U, FurqanM, Baig J A. Hypocholesterolemic Effects of Sinnamon: Current Trends andFuture Strategies. Medical Channel. 2005; 2(2):34 -38
  • Hussain MM, FurqanM, Farooq Y, Khan MA, Yousaf I.  Comparisonof methods for recording frog’s myocardiumPak. J Physiol. 2007; 3(1):5 – 6.
  • Meh Jabeen, Khoja A,Uzma S,Azhar I,Furqan M. BrainNatriuretic Peptide,Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressures. Journal of Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad .2008;20(4): 134-136.
  • MehJabeen,FurqanM, Nudrat AZ.Relation of Brain Natriuretic Peptide,Mean Arterial and Pulse Pressuresamong Normotensive,Pre-hypertensive and Hypertensive Male cohort. Journalof Dow University of Health Sciences. 2009; 3(3): 121-126.
  • MehJabeen, Furqan M. Relation of Brain natriuretic Peptide withBody Mass Index and Serum Lipids in Healthy Adult Males.The Professionals.2010; 17(2): 274-278.
  • Uzma R, Aziza K,Meh Jabeen, Furqan M. Risk profile forbreast carcinoma occurrence and tumor histopathology of medical uninsuredpatients in Pakistan. J. Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad. 2010; 23(1): 9 – 14
  • Jamali SN,  FurqnM,  Raza U, Turab M. To evaluate the pharmacological aspect ofaddressing the issue of prehypertensionActa Biologica Indica. 2016;5(1) :117 – 122
  • Ata-ur- Rehman,Isahaq H, Furqan M, Dilnawaz Sheikh,Raza LM, Naqvi BS, Mehmood T. Comparativestudy of ehtanolic and aqueous extracts of Apium Graveolens L Root withFurosemide for its diuretic activities and excretion of urinary metabolites inWister Rats. 2016;28(3): 2503 – 2507
  • Turab SM, Furqan M, Jamali SN, Zaidi SA. Postpartum Iron Deficiency Anemia:comparative efficiency and safety of intravenous vs oral therapy. ProfessionalMed J. 2017; 24(1): 95 – 101.
  • Amjad H, Sundus S,Atta-ur-Rehman, Khan K, Pasha GN, Furqan M. Eradication of HelicobacterPylori with triple therapy comprising of probiotic and proton pump inhibitor.Journal of pharmaceutical Research International. 2021;33(60A): 703-709.
  • Ishaq H, Khan K ,Ata-ur-Rehman , Rashid H , Sadaf F , Siddiqui H , Furqan M , Zulfiqar F , IqbalF , Mehdi A. Assessment of knowledge of health professionals regarding postexposure prophylaxis of rabies; a pilot study. Journalof Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition. 2022; 18 (12): 728 – 742.

IU ORIC is thrilled to announce that 4 innovative packaging designs from IU have been granted design patents by the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO). A special endorsement to Dr. Baber Khan from the Media Sciences Department for his exceptional contributions.

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