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Assistant Professor
Iqra University



Research Interests

Finance and Banking, Innovation, SMEs, Qualitative Research.


Dr. Nawaz is an assistant Professor of Finance at Iqra Univesity Karachis Department of Business Administration. He earned his PhD in Finance and Banking from the School of Economics, Finance and Banking at the Universiti Utara Malaysia in 2019. and his MBA 3.5Yrs from Islamia University Bahawalpur in 2014. Dr. Nawazs research Covers topics, finance, innovation, SMEs, Qualitative research.


Ahmad, T., Ahmed, A., Nawaz, M., Mirza, S.,& Hassan, R. U. (2023). Does Green Transformational Leadership SpurEconomic and Environmental Performance through Green Product and ProcessInnovation: Mediation and Moderation Analysis. Business Review ofDigital Revolution3(2), 1-12. (HECP, Y)

Bano, M., Nawaz, M., Ahmad, T., & Ejaz, F.(2023). The Performance of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Punjab.A Moderating Role of Corporate Image. Bulletin of Business andEconomics (BBE)12(3), 650-669. (HECP, Y)

Shair, W., Tayyab, M., Nawaz, M., & Ahmed,S. U. (2023). Tax Evasion in Pakistan’s Digital Era: An Analysis of Driversfrom World Value Survey. Business Review of Digital Revolution3(2).(HECP, Y).

Shair, W., Zaira, Nawaz, M., Asif, M., (2023).Impact of Internal Remittances on Labour Participation and Employment Choice inPakistan. Bulletin of Business and Economics, 12 (3), 192-201. (HECP, Y).

Nasir, N., Zafar, M. B., & Nawaz, M.(2023). Involvement of Women in Islamic Finance in Pakistan: Challenges andProspects. In A. Rafiki, A. Pananjung, & M. Nasution (Eds.), Strategiesand Applications of Islamic Entrepreneurship (pp. 136-152). IGIGlobal. (Book Chapter) (Indexed in Scopus).

Yousaf, A., Zafar, M. B., & Nawaz, M.(2023). Customer Perception about Car Ijarah Financing in Pakistan: In-depthInterview Study. COMSATS Journal of Islamic Finance (CJIF)8(1).(HECP Y).

Nawaz, M., Ul Hameed, W., Bhatti,I,, (2023). Integrating Business and Market Intelligence toexpedite Service Responsiveness: Evidence from Malaysia. Quality andQuantity (ABDC, HECP W, Q1)

Nawaz, M., Ul Hameed, W., Azhar, A.,(2022). The role of Open Innovation, Hotel Service Quality and MarketingStrategy in Hotel Business Performance. Heliyon, (IF, 3.77, HECP W, ABDC, SSCI, Q1).

Ul Hameed, W.Nawaz, M.Nisar, Q.A.Basheer, M.F.Imtiaz, S. And Zafar, M.B. (2022), “Open Innovation Solution: NewModel In The Hospitality Industry”, Journal Of Hospitality And Tourism Technology. (IF 4.56, HECP W, ABDC, SSCI, Scopus, Q1).

Zafar, B., Sulaiman, A. A., Nawaz, M. (2022). Doescorporate social responsibility yield financial returns in Islamic Banking. SocialResponsibility Journal. (ESCI, ABDC, HECP W, Scopus, Q1).

Nawaz, M.Ashraf,S. M. Amin, M., Talha, N., (2021). Moderating Role of Muslim Religiosity andCollectivism among Sight cues, CSR and Consumer loyalty through corporate imagein Islamic banks. GISRAS Journal of Management and Islamic Finance.1(2), 44-73.  (HECP, Y Category).

Salim, R., W., Anwer, B., Nawaz, M. (2020). The impact of sustainable HRM on innovation withmediating role of cultural dimensions: evidence from project managementemployees in cellular companies. PalArch’sJournal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(8), 529-547. (Scopus,HECP, X Category)

Khan, A. B., Sarwar, A.,Rajan, D. K. S., Nawaz, M. (2021). Impact of political stability andfirm specific variables on the performance of Islamic banks in Pakistan. Psychology and Education, 58(2), 1667-1672 (HECP, Y).

Saleem, M. A., Nawaz,M. Durrani, M. K., Farooq, U. (2020). Role of CRM components in creating ofcustomer loyalty in Islamic Banks: Examining the moderating effect of Muslimreligiosity. PalArch’s Journal ofArchaeology of Egypt / Egyptology,42(2), 205-228. (Scopus, HECP, X Category).

Hameed, W., Nawaz,M., Basheer, M. F., & Waseem, M. (2019). The Effect of Amanah IkhtiarMalaysia (AIM) on Microenterprise Success in Sabah State Malaysia. The Dialogue, 14(2), 223-238. (HECP Y-Category).

Dahri, A. S., Hameed, W. U., Nawaz, M., Sami, A., & Bux Shah, S. K. (2019). Nurses’ JobSatisfaction is Burned out by their Leaders and Stress. Journal ofManagerial Sciences13(2), 158-171. (HECP Y-Category)

Nawaz, M., Harif, M. A. A. M., & Azhari, A. (2018). Thefinancial determinants of the financial derivatives’ usage within SMEbusinesses in Pakistan. Advances in Social Sciences ResearchJournal5(10), 375-394. (Peer-reviewed).

Nawaz, M., Harif, M. A. A. M., & Azhari, A. (2018). Thenon-financial determinants of the financial derivatives’ usage within SMEbusinesses in Pakistan. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal5(9),193-208. (Peer-reviewed).

Ahmed, A., Rehman, U., Rizwan, M., Rafiq, M. Q., Nawaz. M., & Mumtaz, A. (2013).Moderating Role of Perceived Risk and Innovativeness between Shopping Attitudeand Intention, Journal of Basic andApplied Scientific Research, Vol.3, No.11, pp. 310-323. (Peer-reviewed).

Asab, M. Z.. Abdullah, M., Nawaz,M., Shakoor, M. I., & Arshad, U. (2014). Testing Purchasing PowerParity, A Comparison of Pakistan and India. DevelopingCountry Studies, Vol.4, No.11, pp. 87-95. (Peer-reviewed).

Gilani, S. T., Nawaz, M.,Shakoor, M. I., & Asab, M. Z. (2014). Testing the Weak Form Efficiency ofIslamabad Stock Exchange (ISE), DevelopingCountry Studies, Vol.4, No.11, pp.79-136. (Peer-reviewed).

Irfan Shakoor, M., Nawaz,M., & Khan, W. A. (2014). Do Mergers and Acquisitions Vacillate theBanks Performance (Evidence from Pakistan Banking Sector)? Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol.5, No. 6, pp.123-137. (Peer-reviewed).

Nawaz, M., Rafiq, M. Q., Mehmood, A., Abdullah, M.,& Hussain, M. S. (2014). Which Factors Influence the Economic Growth of theCountry? Evidence with Reference to Pakistan, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, Vol.5, No.19, pp.111-122. (Peer-reviewed).

Pirzada, S. S., Nawaz,M., Javed, M. U., & Asab, M. Z. (2014). Which Factors Influence theCustomers Switching Behaviour (Evidence from the Customers of Banking Sector ofPakistan)? European Journal of Businessand Management, Vol.6, No. II, pp.134-142. (Peer-reviewed).

Rahman-ul-Islam, Mehmood,A., Nawaz, M., & Irfan, M. (2014). What are the Predictors ofPerformance Evaluation (Evidence from Colleges of Punjab Pakistan)? IOSR Journal of Research & Method inEducation, Volume 4, No. I, pp. 1-8. (Peer-reviewed).

Sumeen, S. N., Nawaz, S., Nawaz,M., & Sumeen, S. N., (2014). Examining Employees Performance AppraisalIssues and Challenges in Banks of Pakistan: Comparative Study Of Private AndPublic Banks Of Punjab Pakistan. InternationalJournal of Research In Commerce, IT & Management, Volume 4, No. 4, pp.61-71. (Peer-reviewed).

 Nawaz, M., Shakoor, M. I., &Pirzada, S. S. (2013).TheProfessional Development of Employees in Banks of Pakistan: A comparative studyof public and private banks in Punjab Pakistan. International Journal of Learning and Development, Vol. 3, No. 3,pp. 90-110. (Peer-reviewed).

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