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Dr Muhammad Irfan Anis

Associate Professor
Iqra University


Ph.D.  (Elastic Optical Network)

MS (Electronic Engineering) 

BS (Electronic Engineering)

Research Interests


Dr Muhammad Irfan Anis is an Associate Professor in Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology (FEST) at Iqra University, was awarded the Ph.D. in Elastic Optical Network at the University of Essex, UK in 2014. He obtained his MS (Electronic Engineering) and BS (Electronic Engineering) from Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan in 2007 and 2000 respectively. He is also a member of High Performance Research (HPR) Group, involved in EC funded projects IDEALIST, the EPSRC Transforming the Future Internet: The Photonics Hyperhighway, STRONGEST, EUROFOS Network of Excellence. He is author and co-author of more than 45 papers in journals and conferences proceedings with 2 chapters in IntechOpen. He has more than 23 years of experience in teaching and research, an approved supervisor under Higher Education Commission (HEC). His current research interests are in the area of Fiber Optical Transmissions includes Signal Processing in UltraHigh-Speed Optical Network, High-Speed Optoelectronic Router Design, Software Defined Network, WSN, Next Generation PON, Robotics, Health Monitoring System.


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