Iqra University

Engr. Ghalib Nadeem

Senior Lecturer
Iqra University


M.E (Electrical and Computer Engineering)

B.E (Electronic Engineering)

Research Interests


Ghalib research interests primarily revolve around the fascinating realm of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Renewable Energy. His significant contributions include spearheading several noteworthy projects within the High-Performance Research (HPR) Group. Notably, Ghalib played a pivotal role in the development of the groundbreaking EFG tiles, a revolutionary concept that harnesses piezoelectric floor tiles to generate electricity in Pakistan. Driven by an unwavering curiosity, Ghalib Nadeem is constantly seeking to explore the vast potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its transformative impact on society.


IU ORIC is thrilled to announce that 4 innovative packaging designs from IU have been granted design patents by the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO). A special endorsement to Dr. Baber Khan from the Media Sciences Department for his exceptional contributions.

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