Iqra University

Dr. Usman Ghani

Associate Professor
Iqra University


PhD (Business Administration), University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China.

MS (Business Administration), Hazara University Mansehra, KP, Pakistan.

Research Interests

  • Organizational Behavior
  • Human Resource Management


Dr. Usman has been associated with Iqra University since January 2021. He is an active researcher and published his research work in different SCI/SSCI journals like Journal of Management & Organization, Management Decision, Higher Education, Personnel Review, International Journal of Manpower etc. His area of research interest is Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Knowledge Management, and Educational Management. He is a confident presenter at conferences and teacher at classrooms, and is able to explain complex information at all levels. Moreover, he is serving as a reviewer in different SCI/SSCI journals, and also working as an Associate Editor in Journal of Management Sciences ( published by Iqra University.


Paper1SSCI (Q1), Impact Factor 2.0

Ghani, U., Usman,M., Cheng, J., Mahmood, Q., Xingjiang Shao. (2024). Does ProfessionalSelf-Efficacy Provide a Shield in Troubling Situations? Evidence of Performanceand Thriving through Perceived Strength Use. Sage Open (Accepted).

Paper2SSCI (Q2), Impact Factor 1.4

Asim,M., Ghani, U., Athar, N. M., &Xu, Y. (2024). Abusive Supervision and Helping Behavior Among Nursing Staff: AModerated-Mediation Model. Journal ofHealth Organization and Management (Accepted)

Paper3SSCI (Q1), Impact Factor 5.5

Munir,T., & Ghani, U. (2024).Navigating the Green Path: Unraveling the Follower Green Awareness impact onLeader Green Organizational Commitment through Moderation and Mediationmodel. Sustainable Futures,7,100173.

Paper4SSCI (Q1), Impact Factor 2.0

Mohamed,H. H., Li, Y., Kiani, A., & Ghani,U. (2024). Raving Fans or Silent Critics? Brand Service Recovery’s Impacton Positive eWOM. SAGE Open, 14(1),21582440231219555.

Paper5ESCI (Q1) Impact Factor 2.8

Usman,M., Mehmood, Q., Ghani, U., &Ali, Z. (2023). Does positive supervisory support impede knowledge hiding viapsychological ownership and workplace thriving? VINE Journal of Information andKnowledge Management Systems,

Paper6SSCI (Q2), Impact Factor 3.3

Asim,M., Zhiying, L., Athar, N. M., Ghani,U., Khalid, J., & Xu, Y.(2023).Relationship of abusive supervision and employees’ helping behaviors:moderated-mediation perspective. InternationalJournal of Conflict Management, 34(2), 367-391.

Paper7ESCI (Q2) Impact Factor 3.0

Rashid,W., Ghani, U., Khan, K., & Usman, M. (2023). If you care I care:role of Green Human Resource Management in employees green behaviors. CogentBusiness & Management, 10(1), 2189768.

Paper8SSCI (Q1), Impact Factor 2.1

Khan,K. U., Atlas, F., Ali, W., Ghani, U., & Khan, F. (2023). The NexusBetween IT Capabilities and Firm Innovation Performance: The Mediating Effectof Supply Chain Agility. Science, Technology and Society28(4), 561-581.

Paper9SSCI (Q2) Impact Factor 1.6

Usman,M., Liu, Y., Mehmood, Q., & Ghani, U. (2023). Does employeework-related curiosity predict workplace thriving? The moderating role ofcore-self evaluations. Evidence-based HRM, 11(4), 611-627.

Paper10SSCI (Q1), Impact Factor 6.1

Dar,N., Usman, M., Cheng, J., & Ghani,U. (2022). Social Undermining at the Workplace: How Religious FaithEncourages Employees Who are Aware of Their Social Undermining Behaviors toExpress More Guilt and Perform Better. Journalof Business Ethics187(2), 371-383.

Paper11SSCI (Q2), Impact Factor 3.9

Islam,Z. U., Weng, Q., Ghani, U., &Naeem, R. M. (2022). How and when perceived job search incivility leads toreduced job search behavior. Personnel Review,52(4), 1273-1290.

Paper12SSCI (Q2), Impact Factor 3.8

Qasim,A., Usman, M., Ghani, U*., & Khan,K. (2022). Inclusive leadership and Employees’ Helping Behaviors: Role ofPsychological Factors. Frontiers inPsychology13, 888094.Paper13SSCI (Q1), Impact Factor 3.9

Majeed,M., Ghani, U., & Meng, W.(2022). Privacy concerns and online learning of postgraduate students throughthe lens of stimulus–organism–response model. Sustainability, 14(18), 11604.

Paper14SSCI (Q2), Impact Factor 2.7

Asim,M., Zhiying, L., Ghani, U., Athar,N. M., Farwa, H. U., & Yi, X. (2022). How appreciative leadership affectsemployees’ helping behaviors? The mediating role of emotions and the moderatingrole of organizational trust. InternationalJournal of Emerging Markets19(3),706-728.

Paper15SSCI (Q2), Impact Factor 2.8

Usman,M., Cheng, J*., Ghani, U*., Gul, H.,& Shah, W. U. (2021). Social Support and Perceived Uncertainties duringCOVID-19: Consequences for Employees’ Wellbeing. Current Psychology42, 10248–10259.

Paper 16SSCI (Q1), Impact Factor 5.0

Ghani, U., Zhai, X., Spector, J. M., Chen, N. S., Lin, L., Ding, D., &Usman, M. (2020). Knowledge hiding in higher education: role of interactionaljustice and professional commitment. Higher Education, 79(2), 325-344.

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IU ORIC is thrilled to announce that 4 innovative packaging designs from IU have been granted design patents by the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO). A special endorsement to Dr. Baber Khan from the Media Sciences Department for his exceptional contributions.

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