Iqra University

Dr. Sumaira Abdul Ghani

Senior Lecturer
Iqra University


  • MPhil in Physical Therapy with a specialization in women’s health and pediatric rehabilitation from Ziauddin University, Karachi, Pakistan, in 2021
  • Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) was achieved in 2015 from the same institution.
  • Diploma in Sonography with a specialization in whole abdomen and gynecological obstetrics ultrasound from the Karachi Institute of Ultrasonography

Research Interests



Motivated and highly experienced, the individual possesses a rich background spanning eight years, encompassing both clinical and academic realms. Currently on the verge of undertaking the DHA license exam, the professional is actively seeking an opportunity to contribute expertise to a hospital setting. With a patient-centered approach at the forefront, the individual excels in monitoring, documentation, and the implementation of treatments tailored to specific conditions.


  • An experimental research wasconductedunderthesupervisionofZIAUDDINCOLLEGEOFPHYSICALTHERAPY(ZCPT)onthe“EffectofstretchingandmulligansNAGtechniqueinthetreatment ofcervicogenicheadache”
  • Anexperimentalmaster’sresearchEffectsofPMRtechniqueandtreadmillindepressionandanxietyofpatientshavingPCOS.
  • Significant publications include “Effects ofMassage Therapy for Achilles Tendinopathy – A Meta-Analysis on Determiningthe Effects on Pain and Functional Outcome”
  • An observational study on Functional TaskPerformance and Patient Satisfaction in LateralEpicondylitis: Unraveling the Effects of Physical Therapy Interventions,”both featured in the Allied MedicalResearch Journal.

IU ORIC is thrilled to announce that 4 innovative packaging designs from IU have been granted design patents by the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO). A special endorsement to Dr. Baber Khan from the Media Sciences Department for his exceptional contributions.

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