Iqra University

Dr. Samreen Aziz

Iqra University


PhD (In progress) Pharmacology
M.Phil Pharmacology
Pharm-D Pharmacy

Research Interests

In vivo studies, Animal models


Aftergraduating and securing a degree of Pharm.D, worked as a regulatory affairsoffice for a year. My interest in research after joining academia led me intostudying further. I completed my M.phil in Pharmacology and have been able toauthor several research papers. After having spent more than a decade as afaculty member, the compulsion of studying more never faded and therefore myPh.D in Pharmacology is in process.


Azfar Athar Ishaqui, Shomaiza AndleebMurad, Dua Bufail, Tuba Sahar, Saira Faraz, Muneeza Lodhi, Shoaib Alam, Samreen Aziz, Muhammad Bilal Maqsood,Zeeshan Ahmed, Muhammad Imran, Lailoona Jawed, Javeria Farooq, Adnan Iqbal,Salman Ashfaq Ahmad. 2023. “Evaluation of Completeness of Information inPatient Information Leaflets of Registered Medications: A ComprehensiveReview”, Latin American Journal of Pharmacy. 42 (11): 2343-9.

Muhammad Imran, Zeeshan Ahmed, AzfarAthar Ishaqui, Duaa Bafail, Salman Ashfaq Ahmad, Javeria Farooq, Imran Ali,Bilal Mustafa, Tabassum Zehra, Lailoona Jaweed, Samreen Kapadia, Salman Ahmed, Shayan Ahmed, Muhammad BilalMaqsood. 2023. “COVID-19 booster dose acceptance, hesitancy and concerns amongthe elderly population: A cross-sectional study”, The Journal of Infection inDeveloping Countries. 17(11):1529-1536. doi:10.3855/jidc.17710

Shakeel,Sadia,Shagufta Nesar,Wajiha Iffat,Hina Rehman,SamreenAziz,TayyabaMumtaz, Hazrina Hadi, andShazia Jamshed. 2021.”Pharmacists’ Insights and Behaviors inPreventingtheMisuseofTopicalCorticosteroidsinPakistan:AMixed-MethodStudy”Cosmetics. 8, no. 3:72.

HinaRehman,TariqRafi,HumaAli,SadiaShakeel,FarazHashmi,SaimaHussain,SamreenAziz.2020. “Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of GraduatedNon-Working Female Pharmacist towardsPharmaceutical Care: A Cul-De-Sac of Women Quest”,Latin American Journal. 39 (9): 1703-7.

SadiaShakeel,MohamedA.Hassali,HinaRehman,WajihaIffat,AmerH.Khan,AneesUrRehmanSamreen Aziz2020. “Off-Label Drug PrescribingPractice among Cancer Patients in OncologyCareSettingsofPakistan”,LatinAmericanJournal.39(6):1233-9.

HinaRehman, Syed Faisal Zaidi, QuratulainWaseem,SamreenAziz,SafilaNaveed.2019.“Needof statins among un-diagnosed unaware Pakistanis viarevised pool cohort equation by Americanheartassociation”,PakistanJournalofPharmaceuticalSciences.32(4):1755-1759.

Samreen Aziz, Hina Rehman. 2019. “Mechanismand benefits of ketogenic diet for weight lossandhealth”,RawalMedicalJournal.44(4):880-883.

IU ORIC is thrilled to announce that 4 innovative packaging designs from IU have been granted design patents by the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO). A special endorsement to Dr. Baber Khan from the Media Sciences Department for his exceptional contributions.

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