Iqra University

Dr. Salima Ahsan Tejani

Associate Professor
Iqra University


P.hD. in Psychology from university of Karachi

Research Interests

Positive Psychology, educational Psychology, Cognitive Behavior therapy


Welcome to the professional journey of Dr. Salima Ahsan, a distinguishedpsychologist, academic leader, and Head of the Department of Psychology at IqraUniversitys North Campus.

Early Life and Education

Born with a passion forunderstanding the complexities of the human mind, Dr. Salima Ahsan embarked onher academic journey with a steadfast commitment to psychology. She pursued herundergraduate studies in Psychology at University of Karachi, where she demonstratedexceptional academic prowess and a deep-seated curiosity for the field.

Driven by her quest forknowledge and a desire to contribute meaningfully to society, Dr. Ahsancontinued her education by earning her Masters degree in Psychology. Herthirst for scholarly excellence led her to pursue a Ph.D. in Psychology, atestament to her dedication and intellectual rigor.

Professional Accomplishments

With a solid academicfoundation and a wealth of theoretical and practical knowledge, Dr. SalimaAhsan embarked on a fulfilling career in psychology. Her expertise spans a widearray of domains within psychology, including Counseling psychology, Positivepsychology and educational, making her a versatile and well-roundedprofessional.

Dr. Ahsans contributions tothe field of psychology extend beyond academia. She has actively engaged inresearch projects that explore the intricacies of human behavior, cognition,and emotional well-being. Her published works and scholarly articles have notonly enriched the academic community but have also offered valuable insightsinto addressing contemporary psychological challenges.

Leadership and Academic Role

As the Head of the Department ofPsychology at Iqra Universitys North Campus, Dr. Salima Ahsan plays a pivotalrole in shaping the next generation of psychologists. Her leadership ischaracterized by a blend of mentorship, innovation, and a commitment tofostering a conducive learning environment.

Under her guidance, theDepartment of Psychology has flourished, offering cutting-edge curricula,research opportunities, and practical training that equip students with theskills and knowledge needed to excel in the dynamic field of psychology.

Contributions to National Education

Dr. Salima Ahsans impactextends to national levels, where she has played a crucial role in shapingeducational policies. Her notable achievements includes designing the 11th and12th-grade curriculum for the National Curriculum Council, Government ofPakistan. This accomplishment underscores her expertise and influence ineducational reform and curriculum development, ensuring that students receive acomprehensive and up-to-date education in psychology.

Vision and Impact

Dr. Ahsans vision extendsbeyond the confines of academia. She envisions a society where mental healthawareness is prioritized, stigma is eradicated, and psychological well-being isnurtured at every level. Through her work, she strives to bridge the gapbetween theory and practice, advocating for evidence-based interventions andholistic approaches to mental health care.

Publications and Recognition

Dr. Salima Ahsanscontributions to psychology have been widely recognized and acclaimed. Herresearch publications have garnered attention both nationally andinternationally, earning her a reputation as a thought leader in her field. Hercommitment to excellence and her dedication to advancing the field ofpsychology continue to inspire students, colleagues, and professionals alike.

Connect with Dr. Salima Ahsan

For inquiries, collaborations,or to learn more about Dr. Salima Ahsans work, please feel free

This biography serves as atestament to Dr. Salima Ahsans unwavering passion, expertise, and commitmentto making a positive impact through the field of psychology and educationalleadership.


12 Publications in well renounced peer review journals

IU ORIC is thrilled to announce that 4 innovative packaging designs from IU have been granted design patents by the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO). A special endorsement to Dr. Baber Khan from the Media Sciences Department for his exceptional contributions.

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