Iqra University

Dr. Saira Azhar

Professor and Dean
Iqra University


PhD  Pharamcy Practice
Pharm-D Pharmacy
B.Pharm Pharmacy

Research Interests



  •  PharmacyManagement


I got my PhD. fromUniversity Sains Malaysia, Malaysia (USM). I got a Malaysian scholarship andbecame a research fellow with teaching responsibilities. In 2011, I completedmy PhD. returned to Pakistan, and finally became the first Pakistani female the field of Pharmacy Practice. Upon return, I joined the Department ofPharmacy Comsats Abbottabad where I served 8 years as Assistant Professor and ResearchGroup Head of Pharmacy Practice. During my stay in COMSATS Abbottabad Pakistan,I got the opportunity to work in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), as an AssistantProfessor at King Faisal University, Al Ahsa, and Princess Nourah BintAbdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Moreover, I visited several otheruniversities in the world like the University of Manchester United Kingdom, andthe University of Pennsylvania, USA to present my research work and forresearch collaboration.

Duringmy 18 years of teaching experience in multicultural institutions, I managed topublish 72 research articles, 18 International presentations, and 22 Nationalconference presentations.

I was appointed as Principal of the College of Pharmacy at the University ofSargodha and was engaged in the overall academic administration, studentsupport, and well-being programs of the undergraduate and postgraduateprograms offered by the College. After the successful completionof my tenure as Principal of the College of Pharmacy in August 5th2021. On Aug 25th, 2021 to Aug 7th 2023, I was given the charge ofworking as Director of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) at the University ofSargodha.

Presentlyworking as Professor of Pharmacy Practice in Department of Pharmacy at Iqra UniversityNorth Campus Karachi. I am confident that my expertise and experience workingin the relevant field make me an appropriate match for the prestigious IqraUniversity.


IU ORIC is thrilled to announce that 4 innovative packaging designs from IU have been granted design patents by the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO). A special endorsement to Dr. Baber Khan from the Media Sciences Department for his exceptional contributions.

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