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Iqra University

Dr. Nadeem Alam Khan

Associate Professor
Iqra University


Ph. D

MSc (App. Statistics)

MSc (App. Math.)



Research Interests

  • Calculus
  •  Differential equations
  •  Numerical Analysis
  •  Computational Mathematics
  •  Non-Linear Mechanics


Dr. Nadeem Alam Khan is an Associate Professor of (Applied Mathematics and Statistics) in Computer Science Department at Iqra University, Karachi. He obtained his undergraduate degree in Math and Statistics (1995) from Karachi  University and Graduated degree in Math and Statistics (2000 &2009). Nadeem Alam Khan received his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Karachi in 2016 under the supervision of the Professor Dr. Nasir-uddin Khan (University of Karachi). He was appointed to the Department of Computer Science at Iqra University in Jan 16, 2017 as an Assistant Professor. He was promoted to Associate Professor in Sept 2021.


  • N. A. Khan, A. Mahmood, A. Ara, Nadeem. A. Khan(2012), “Analytical study of nonlinear fractionalorder Integro-differential equation: Revisit Volterra’s population model”, DifferentialEq. Article ID 845945.
  • N. A. Khan, M.Jamil, Nadeem. A. Khan(2012), “Effectsof slip factors on unsteady stagnation point flow and heat transfer towards astretching sheet: an analytical study”, Heat Transfer Research 43 (8) 779-794. 
  • N. A. Khan, A.Ara, N.U. Khan, Nadeem. A. Khan(2013),“Oscillations of a Punctual Charge in the Electric Field of a Charged Ring:A Comparative Study”, Electromagnetics Analysis and Applications 5, 229-235.
  • N. A. Khan, A.Ara, Nadeem. A. Khan(2013), “FractionalOrder Riccati Differential Equation: Analytical Approximation and NumericalResults”, Advances in Difference Equations Art. ID 185. 
  • N. A. Khan, Nadeem. A. Khan, F. Riaz(2013), “Dynamic analysis ofrotating pendulum by Hamiltonian approach”, Chinese Journal Mathematics, Article ID 237370.
  • N. A. Khan, M.Jamil, Nadeem. A. Khan(2013), “Approximationsof the nonlinear Painlevé transcendent”, Communications in Numerical Analysis Art. ID cna-00127.
  • N. A. Khan, F.Riaz, Nadeem. A. Khan(2013), “Heat transfer analysis for couple stressfluid over a nonlinearly stretching sheet”, Nonlinear Engineering- Modellingand Applications 2,121-127.
  • N. A. Khan, F.Riaz, Nadeem. A. Khan(2014), “Parameters approach applied on nonlinearoscillators:, Shock and Vibration Art. ID 18. X-Category
  • N. A. Khan, S.Aziz, Nadeem. A. Khan(2014)“Numericalsimulation for the unsteady MHD flow of couple stress fluid over a rotatingdisk”, PLOS ONE, 9(5) e95423. 
  • N. A. Khan, A.Ara, Nadeem. A. Khan(2014), “Onsolutions of the nonlinear oscillators by modified homotopy perturbation method”,Mathematical Science Letters 3(3),229-236.
  • N. A. Khan, S. Aziz, Nadeem. A. Khan(2014), “MHD flow of Powell-Eyring fluid over a rotating disk”, TaiwanInstitute of Chemical Engineers, 45(6) 2859-2867. 
  • N. A. Khan, N.U. Khan, Nadeem. A. Khan(2014), “Accurate numerical solutions of conservative nonlinear oscillators”, Nonlinear Engineering- Modelling and Applications 3(4) 197-201.
  • N. A. Khan, F. Riaz, Nadeem. A. Khan(2014), “Onsolutions of nonlinear time-space fractionalSwift-Hohenberg equation: A comparative Study”, Ain-Shams Engineering 5(1) 285-291. 
  • N. A. Khan, F. Sultan, Nadeem. A. Khan(2015), “Heatand mass transfer of  thermophoretic MHDFlow of Powell-Erying fluid over a vertical stretching sheet in the presence ofchemical reaction and Joule heating”, Chemical Reactor Engineering 13(1) 37-49. 
  • Tanveer. M., Ullah, S., Khan, N. A., Nadeem. A. Khan(2017), & Rehman, N., “MHD Flow ofGeneralized Oldroyd-B Fluid  Over anInfinite Oscillating Plate with slip condition using Fox H-Function”, Computationaland Theoretical Nanoscience,VOL. 14(3),1362-1370.
  • Tanveer. M., Ullah, S., Khan, N. A., Nadeem. A. Khan(2017), & Rehman, N., “Some  Exact Solutions for the Rotational Flow of Oldroyd-BFluid  Between two  Circular Cyliders”, Advances in MechanicalEngineering,VOL. 9(8)1-15. 
  • Khan, N. A.Hameed T, Zahoor A., Nadeem. A. Khan(2018), A Heuristic Optimization Method of Fractional ConvectionReaction, An application to Diffusion Reaction”, Thermal Science,VOL.22(1)S243-S252.  
  • Khan, N. A.;Nadeem. A. Khan(2019); Ullah, Saif; Naz, Farah., “Swirlingflow of couple stress fluid due to a rotating disk”, Non-linearEngineering ,VOL. 8(1), 261-269.
  • Khan, N. A.; Naz, Farah; Nadeem. A. Khan(2019): Ullah, Saif,“MHD nonaligned stagnation point flow of second grade fluid towards a porousrotating disk’’, Non-linear Engineering ,VOL. 8(1);231-249.
  • Karim, A.;Nadeem. A. Khan(2019); Ullah, Saif; Ullah, Arshad., “Analysis of thin film flow of generalizedMaxwell fluid confronting withdrawal and drainage on non-isothermal cylindricalsurfaces”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering ,VOL.11(10), 1-19. 
  • Karim, A.; Mubarik, M,; Nadeem. A. Khan(2020): Ullah, Saif,“Study of free convective unsteady magneto-hydrodynamics flow of Oldroyd-Bfluid in the presence of chemical engineering”, Advances in MechanicalEngineering ,VOL. 12(7) 1-13
  • Khan, N. A.;Nadeem. A. Khan(2020); AkberS.,Hameed, T.; Qureshi, M.A., “Qualitativestudy of fractional order non-linear chaotic model: electronic realization andsecure data enhancement”, Korean Physical Society ,VOL 8(1), 261-269
  • Khan, N. A.;Nadeem. A. Khan(2020);; Qureshi, .Ali.M; “EvolvingTangent Hyperbolic memristor based 6D chaotic model with fractional orderderivative; Analysis and Applications, Partial DifferentialEquation  in Applied Mathematics ,VOL. 7(1),Article ID 100505. 

IU ORIC is thrilled to announce that 4 innovative packaging designs from IU have been granted design patents by the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO). A special endorsement to Dr. Baber Khan from the Media Sciences Department for his exceptional contributions.

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