Iqra University


Junior Lecturer
Iqra University


Atia Elahi is currently pursuinga Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics,University of Karachi, a journey she embarked on in July 2022. Her courseworkencompasses a wide array of subjects, including Modelling and Simulation ofBiological Systems, Environmental Physics, and Satellite CommunicationEngineering. Atias research focuses on statistical and machine learning modelsfor evaluating real-time environmental and climate data and its impact onanthropogenic activities.

Before her doctoral studies, Atia completed her Master ofPhilosophy in Applied Sciences from the Department of Mathematics at theUniversity of Karachi. During this period, she conducted a study on modelingthe impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation on regional climate variabilityover Portugal, giving her a solid understanding of Environmental Sciences. Heracademic journey began with a Master of Science in Pure Mathematics and aBachelor of Science (Honors) in Mathematical Sciences, both from the Universityof Karachi. Her undergraduate and postgraduate studies provided her with astrong foundation in various mathematical disciplines. Throughout her academiccareer, Atia has consistently demonstrated a commitment to excellence, earningdistinctions in her academic performances.

Research Interests

Her research focuses on the intersection of Data Science, EnvironmentalSustainability, and Climate Dynamics. She employs mathematical and statisticaltechniques, including the Center of Action (COA) approach and machine learningmodels, to analyze satellite gridded data and address environmental challenges.


Atia Elahi, a proficient academician in Mathematics, Statistics, and Environmental Science. With extensive teaching and research experience, sheactively contributes to university initiatives addressing environmentalchallenges. Passionate about promoting environmental sustainability and climatechange awareness, she is dedicated to making a meaningful impact in her field.


•Examining the Insight Impacts of Indian Ocean Pressure on Autumn-time Precipitation Variability over Tasmania through Singular Value Decomposition Analysis (2023).

  • •Siddiqui, M. Z., Elahi, A., & Khan, K. (2023). Implementation of Technology for Modern Management of Agriculture Field Impacting the Socio-Economic Condition of Pakistan. Journal of Computing & Biomedical Informatics, 5(02), 338-346.
  • •Usmani, B. A., Hussain, S. A., Khan, K., & Elahi, A. (2019). Regional precipitation variability associated with zonal movement of Indian Ocean high pressure system. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 55(4), 751-760.

IU ORIC is thrilled to announce that 4 innovative packaging designs from IU have been granted design patents by the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO). A special endorsement to Dr. Baber Khan from the Media Sciences Department for his exceptional contributions.

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