Iqra University

Dr. Aftab Ahmed Mirza Baig

Associate Professor
Iqra University


PhD Health, Physical Education and Sports Sciences (HPESS), February, 2023


Effects of Bilateral, asymmetrical limb proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation on multifidus in chronic low

back pain.’

University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan

MS Advance Physiotherapy (MSAPT), August, 2016

‘Role of posterior-anterior vertebral mobilization versus thermotherapy in non-specific lower back pain.’

Dow University of Health Science, Karachi, Pakistan.



Doctor of Physical therapy and Rehabilitation Medicine (DPT), January, 2012

Baqai Medical University, Karachi, Pakistan.

Research Interests

Dr. Aftab believes that there is a closed relation of research and clinical practice. Research allows a physician to stay current on the most recent clinical approaches, technologies, and opportunities.
He keeps research work in the field of Physical Therapy along with the clinical practice to test his beliefs that what he do is true or not. He always contribute with other healthcare professionals and students in there research projects because of thinking that the team work allows individuals to bring their diverse perspectives to problem solving, which in turn increases success for solutions more efficiently and effectively.

Furthermore, specifically his research interest remained current issues in musculoskeletal and neurological assessment and treatment in the field of Physical Therapy.


Dr. Aftab is a proactive PhD qualified physiotherapy professional and researcher with 12+ years of experience in Physical Therapy field including clinical practice and teaching courses on undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He is HEC approved PhD supervisor in medical sciences and has supervised multiple undergraduate and postgraduate research projects. He has worked as Secretary Institutional Review Board of a public sector rehabilitation institute of Karachi, Pakistan. He is also the reviewer in many national and international HEC indexed journals and has published many articles in peer-reviewed national and international journals.


Baig AA, Ahmed SI, Ali SS, Rahmani A, Siddiqui F. Role of posterior-anterior vertebral mobilization versus thermotherapy innonspecific lower back pain. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences.2018;34(2):435

NazirSN, Akhtar S, Baig AA. Frequency of sleep disturbance with chronic lowback pain: a cross sectional study. JPMA. The Journal of the PakistanMedical Association. 2020 May; 70(5):869-871

Khan ZK, Ahmed SI, Baig AA, Farooqui WA. Effect of post-isometricrelaxation versus myofascial release therapy on pain, functional disability, rom and qol in the management of non-specific neck pain: arandomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2022;23(1):1-1.

Siddiqui M, Akhter S, Baig AA. Effects of autogenic and reciprocal inhibition techniqueswith conventional therapy in mechanical neck pain. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2022 Jul 25;23(1):704

Nafees K, Baig AA, Ali SS, Ishaque F. Dynamic soft tissue mobilizationversus proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation in reducing hamstring muscletightness in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controltrial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2023 Dec;24(1):1-9.

Baig AA, Ansari B. Bilateral Asymmetrical Limb Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Effects on Pain, Multifidus Activity, Range of Motion, and Disability in Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 2023 Jun

Khan M, Nazir SN, Baig AA. Physiotherapy practices for patientsundergoing coronary artery bypass grafting: a cross- sectional study.Journal of the Medical Association. 2020: 1-11.

Baig AAM, Ansari B. Importance of Multifidus Muscle Activity as aTreatment Outcome Measure in Chronic Low Back Pain. Journal of the Collegeof Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan. 2021:12(1), 1528

LatifA, Mirza Baig AA, Wajid SA, Ali SS. Frequency of median nerve tightnessand its association with upper limb functions among smartphone users of apublic sector university, Karachi, Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association. 2022 Aug 1;72(8):1529-34.

KumariS, Ali SS, Baig AA. Relationship between gross motor function of cerebral palsychildren and quality of life of their primary caregivers. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association. 2023 Jan;73(1):78-82.

Mehwish B, Ali SS, Baig AAM. Effects of hip mobilizations and strength trainingon pain, physical functions and dynamic balance in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association. 2023 Apr 1;73(4):749-54

Parveen A, Ali SS, Baig AAMB. Hamstring Tightness among individuals with neck and low back pain: a cross sectional study in a public sector institute of Karachi. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association. 2022;16(9):

SiddiquiF, Baig AAMB, Soomro RR, Ishaque F, Kamal A. Usage of Kinesiology Tape inthe Management of Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: A Surveyamong Physiotherapist in Karachi”. FUUAST Journal of Biology.2019;9(1):105-11

Mehwish B, Baig T, Saifullah K, Baig AA. Awareness of medical researchamong Allied health care professionals in different clinical settings”.Rawal Medical Journal. 2019;44(3):468-71.

Baig AAMB, Ishaque F, Ismail S, Chawla R, Rani S, Kumar J, Kumar M.Hallux valgus deformity and quadriceps angle among female medical students: a cross-sectional study. FUUAST Journal of Biology. 2021;11(2):139-44.

Baig AAM, Ansari B. Differences in lumbar multifidus activity and itsassociation with lumbar range of motion among patients with unilateralchronic low back pain. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Science. 2021:10 (3).

KhanU, Akhter S, Khan M, Baig AAMB. Effectiveness of ischemiccompression pressure versus spray and stretch technique in the managementof active myofascial trigger points of trapezius muscle. International Journal of Endorsing Health Science Research (IJEHSR). 2021: 9(3).

Emad F, Ali S, Ishaque F, Baig AAMB, Khalid H, Ansari A. Association between satisfaction with life and caregiver burden, among psychiatricpatients. Annals of Psychophysiology. 2021; 8(1), 15-23.

Sukheja P, Shabbir M, Parveen A, Khan K, Baig AAMB. Learning experiencesof physiotherapy students attending their clinical placement in a publicsector university. Rawal Medical Journal. 2021; 46(1):123-6.

Waheed SS, Ahuja G, Baig AAMB. Frequency of pectoralis minor muscle tightness among asymptomatic individuals. Rawal Medical Journal. 2022 May19; 47(2):498- 500.

Baig AA, Wajid SA, Naqvi SI, Nooruddin M, Ali SS. Current Physiotherapy Practices of Outcome Measures in the Management of Low Back Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study.Pakistan Journal of Medical Research. 2023 Jul 24;62(2):77-81.

BaigAAMB, Ishaque F, Hasan R, Association of pectoralis minor muscle length and shoulderrange of motion among individuals with and without shoulder pain.Pakistan Journal Rehabilitation. 2023 Jan 4;12(1):151-7.

Baig AAMB, Zai L, Hassan R. Neck pain and hamstring tightness: a lessknown cause. Pakistan Journal of Medical Research. 2023 May5;62(1):43-4.

Subhan S, Ahmad SI, Mithani MH, Baig AA, Kashif M, Siddiqui MA. Effectsof transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation for overactive bladder symptomsin adults: A randomized controlled trial. The Rehabilitation Journal. 2023Sep 30;7(03):36-41.

Baig AA, Batool T, Sonia A, Khan A, Hassan R. Association of smart phoneusage and hand grip strength among university students: a correlationstudy. Annals of Allied Health Sciences. 2023 Jul 1;9(1):3-7

Moin M, Fatima K, Khan U, Baig AA. Frequency of illiotibial band tightness among female medical students of Karachi: a cross-sectional study. Rawal Medical Journal. 2024; 49(2): 318-321

Baig AA,Hassan R, Abid Z. The rate of feasibility should be examined as aprimary objective in a pilot study: a letter to the editor. Foundation University Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences. 2023 Jul 31;3(2):85-.

Devi B, Akhter S,Baig AAM. Use of manual stretching techniques in the management of plantar fasciitis among physiotherapists in Karachi: a cross-sectional survey. Ann Allied Health Sci. 2024;10(1):3-6

IU ORIC is thrilled to announce that 4 innovative packaging designs from IU have been granted design patents by the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO). A special endorsement to Dr. Baber Khan from the Media Sciences Department for his exceptional contributions.

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