Iqra University

Dr. Aatka Ali

Iqra University


PhD (In progress) Pharmaceutics
M.Phil Pharmaceutics
Pharm-D Pharmacy


Research Interests

  • Formulation development
  • Pharmacokinetics


I have completed my M.Phil. in Pharmaceutics fromUniversity of Karachi in 2017 and currently enrolled in Ph.D. program fromUniversity of Karachi. I have served as a lecturer in one of the reputableuniversity for more than 7 years and also worked as a quality assurance officerin a national pharmaceutical industry. I have been teaching in Faculty ofHealth Sciences at Iqra University since 2023. I am author and co-author of 10research articles which are published in national and international journals.


Sadia Shakeel , Wajiha Iffat, Shagufta Nesar, Sidra Shayan, Aatka Ali, Márió Gajdács , and ShaziaJamshed. Tropical Medicine andInfectious Disease. 2022 Oct 10; 7(10):291.

  1. RP-HPLC method development and validation for quantification ofdaclatasvir dihydrochloride and its application to pharmaceutical dosage form. Syed Suffdar Hussain Shah,Muhammad Iqbal Nasiri, Humera Sarwar, AatkaAli, Syed Baqir S Naqvi, Sohail Anwer and Muhammad Kashif. Pak. J. Pharm.Sci., Vol.34, No.3, May 2021, pp.951-956.Novelty and Compliance of Oral Fast Dissolving
  2. Thin Film – A PatientFriendly Dosage Form. Madiha Mushtaque, Iyad Muhammad Naeem, Sidra Kanwal Ali, Farah Khalid,Rida Masood and Aatka Ali.Clin Pharmacol Biopharm 2021, 10(2):211.A
  3. preliminary study to assess knowledge, preferences, andperception of adult population of Karachi about scored and colored oral soliddosage formAatkaAli, Madiha Mushtaque, Sarah Jameel Khan, Sidra Kanwal Ali, TahminaMaqbool, Rida Masood. African Journalof Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 14(3) 2020, pp.51-58.Development and Pharmaceutical Evaluationof Oral Fast
  4. Dissolving Thin Film of Escitalopram – A Patient Friendly DosageForm. MadihaMushtaque, Iyad Naeem Muhammad, Syed Muhammad Fareed Hassan, Aatka Ali, Rida Masood. Pak. J.Pharm. Sci. 33(1), 2020, pp.183-189. Developmentand pharmaceutical evaluation of clotrimazole loaded topical hydrogelformulation. Aatka Ali, Iyad Naeem Muhammad, Syed Muhammad Farid Hasan, Madiha Mushtaque.  Lat. Am. J. Pharm.37(4) 2018, pp.675-81.Carica papaya; A paired and alternativetherapy of dengue fever. Shagufta Nesar, Kiran Rafiq, Sarwat Rizwi,Aatka Ali, Tayyaba Mumtaz, MuhammadShair Ali Usmani. Journal ofAdvances in Biotechnology, 7(1) 2018,  pp.975-983.MRSA: Prevalence and susceptibility patternin health care setups of Karachi. Tuba Siddiqui, IyadNaeem Muhammad, Muhammad Naseem Khan, Shazia Naz,  Lubna Bashir, Nosheen Sarosh, Rida Masood, Aatka Ali, Sakina Fatima and TalatNaqvi. Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., Vol.30, No.6 (Suppl.), November 2017, pp. 2417-2421.
  5. Morbidity rate of drug-susceptible tuberculosis and its medico-economicimpact. RidaMasood, Iyad Naeem Muhammad, Sidra Kanwal Ali , Madiha Mushtaque, Tuba Siddiqui, Farah Khalid and Aatka Ali. AfricanJournal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 14(6),2020, pp. 156-162.
  6. PPRV: Sign and Symptoms, Prevalence and Possible Treatment withDifferent Plants.Ishrat Younus, Aatka Ali,Sidra Siddique, Rida Fatima, Sarah Jameel Khan and Noor ul ain Hyder.International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering andTechnology. 7(7), 2020,  pp.19-26.

IU ORIC is thrilled to announce that 4 innovative packaging designs from IU have been granted design patents by the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO). A special endorsement to Dr. Baber Khan from the Media Sciences Department for his exceptional contributions.

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