Iqra University

BS (Applied Computing)


BS (Applied Computing)

The Department of Applied Computing blends theory and practice to prepare students for a technology-driven world, offering expertise in computation, advanced tools, and real-world applications. The department’s areas of research and expertise include:

  • Theory: Computational thinking, data structures and algorithms, applied mathematics, and computing methodologies.
  • Software: Development of cutting-edge software tools, programming frameworks, and platforms for diverse industries.
  • Application: Data science, artificial intelligence projects, real-world system development, and large-scale computing solutions.

Transforming students into industry leaders, the BS in Applied Computing program delivers an exceptional, professionally directed learning experience, equipping students with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in various domains of computing. We foster innovation, critical thinking, and ethical practices, preparing graduates for diverse career opportunities in the software industry, academia, entrepreneurship, and technical fields. Aligned with the university’s vision and mission, our program emphasizes technical proficiency, hands-on learning, interdisciplinary collaboration, and societal contributions, developing well-rounded professionals who drive technological advancements and societal progress.

Learning Outcomes

Job Market

The BS (Applied Computing) program is well-connected to the local industry and addresses the growing demand for professionals in applied computing. The program maintains strong industry links through an advisory board setup, ensuring relevance to market needs. Graduates find opportunities across various sectors, including IT, data analytics, healthcare, finance, and manufacturing industries.

Curriculum Course Requirements for Batches

Semester wise break-up of Credit Hours for BS (Applied Computing) for (Fall, 2024 and Spring 2025)

Semester Domain Course Code IU Semester-wise Course Plan
Course Title Credit Hrs
Semester I General Education GER151 Applied Physics 2 + 1
General Education GER111 Application of Information & Communication Technologies 2 + 1
General Education GER131 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3 + 0
General Education GER121 Functional English 3 + 0
Computing Core CMC111 Programming Fundamentals 3 + 1
General Education GER141 Islamic Studies 2 + 0
Total Semester Credit Hours (15 + 3)
Semester II Computing Core CMC121 Digital Logic Design 2 + 1
General Education GER142 Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan 2 + 0
Mathematics Supporting MTE111 Multivariate Calculus 3 + 0
General Education GER122 Expository Writing 3 + 0
Computing Core CMC112 Object Oriented Programming 3 + 1
General Education GER132 Discrete Structures 3 + 0
Total Semester Credit Hours (16 + 2)
Semester III Computing Core CMC251 Data Structures & Algorithms 3 + 1
Computing Core CMC261 Computer Networks 2 + 1
Computing Core CMC222 Computer Organization & Assembly Language 2 + 1
General Education GER261 Introduction to Management 2 + 0
Mathematics Supporting MTE221 Technical & Business Writing 3 + 0
Mathematics Supporting MTE213 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations 3 + 0
Total Semester Credit Hours (15 + 3)
Semester IV Computing Core CMC331 Database Systems 3 + 1
Computing Core CMC241 Operating Systems 2 + 1
Elective Supporting GER261 Introduction to Marketing 3 + 0
Mathematics Supporting MTE212 Probability and Statistics 3 + 0
Computing Core CMC371 Software Engineering 3 + 0
Total Semester Credit Hours (14 + 2)
Semester V Computing Core CMC252 Analysis of Algorithms 3 + 0
Program Core CSEXXX Functional Programming 3 + 0
Program Core CSC382 Human and Computer Interaction 2 + 1
General Education GER443 Civics and Community Management 2 + 0
Specialization Elective CSEXXX Specialization  Elective I 2 + 1
Computing Core CSEXXX Specialization  Elective II 2 + 1
Total Semester Credit Hours (14 + 3)
Semester VI Program Core CMC442 Parallel and Distributed Computing 3 + 0
Program Core CSEXXX Data Analysis and Visualization 3 + 0
Computing Core CMC381 Artificial Intelligence 2 + 1
Specialization Elective CSCXXX Specialization Elective III 2 + 1
Specialization Elective CSEXXX Specialization Elective IV 2 + 1
Specialization Elective CSEXXX Specialization Elective V 2 + 1
Total Semester Credit Hours (14 + 4)
Semester VII Computing Core CMC491 Final Year Project – I 0 + 2
Computing Core CMC362 Information Security 2 + 1
Program Core AIC221 Machine Learning 3 + 0
Specialization Elective CSEXXX Specialization Elective VI 2 + 1
Specialization Elective CSEXXX Specialization Elective VII 2 + 1
General Education GER462 Entrepreneurship 2 + 0
Total Semester Credit Hours (11 + 5)
Semester VIII Computing Core CMC492 Final Year Project – II 0 + 4
Specialization Elective CSEXXX Specialization Elective VIII 2 + 1
General Education GER463 Professional Practices 2 + 0
Program Core CMC353 Web Programming Languages 2 + 1
Total Semester Credit Hours (7 + 4)

Total Credit Hours Completion: 136

List of Specialization Electives in BS (Applied Computing) Program

Sr. No. Specialization Elective Course Title Credit Hours
Stream 1. Edge Artificial Intelligence
1 Deep Learning 3+0
2 Natural Language Processing 3+0
3 Reinforcement Learning 3+0
4 Robotics and Intelligence Systems 2+1
5 Autonomous Systems 3+0
6 Pattern Recognition 3+0
7 Programming for Artificial Intelligence 2+1
8 Generative AI/ Certifications 2+1
9 Fuzzy Systems 2+1
10 Knowledge Based Systems 2+1
11 Swarm Intelligence 2+1
12 Artificial Neural Networks 2+1
13 Evolutionary Computing 2+1
14 Swarm Intelligence 2+1
15 Agent Based Modeling 2+1
16 Image Processing 2+1
17 Sensor Integration 2+1
18 Robotics Testing and Validation 2+1
19 Robotic Perception 2+1
20 Human-Robot Interaction/ Certifications 2+1
21 Robotics Software Development 2+1
22 Emerging Trends in AI/ Certifications 2+1
23 AI for Finance 2+1
24 Computational Intelligence 2+1
25 Multi Agent System 2+1
26 Information Retrieval 3+0
27 Computer Vision 3+0
Stream 2. Cyber Security
1 Cryptography 3+0
2 Vulnerability Assessment & Reverse Engineering 2+1
3 Digital Forensics/ Certification 2+1
4 Network Security/ Certifications 2+1
5 Ethical Hacking and System Defense/ Certifications 2+1
6 Cyber Security Governance and Risk Management 3+0
7 Secure Software Development 3+0
8 Malware Analysis 2+1
9 Quantum Security 2+1
10 Hardware Security 2+1
11 Embedded Systems Security 2+1
12 Cyber Security Laws & Regulations 3+0
13 Information Assurance 3+0
14 Penetration Testing 2+1
15 Cyber Warfare 3+0
16 Compliance and Auditing in Defense Systems 2+1
17 Automated Debugging 2+1
18 Blockchain Security 2+1
19 Cryptanalysis 2+1
20 Information Systems Auditing and Security 2+1
21 Cloud Security/ Certifications 3+0
22 Mobile Device Security 3+0
23 Cyber Threat Intelligence 3+0
24 IoT Security/ Certifications 3+0
Stream 3. Data Science
1 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 2+1
2 Big Data Analytics 2+1
3 Statistical Computing 2+1
4 Ethics in Data Science 2+1
5 Data Science 3+0
6 Optimization Techniques in Data Science 2+1
7 Business Process Analysis 3+0
8 Platform & Architecture for Data Science 2+1
9 Speech Processing 2+1
10 Privacy Preservation/ Certifications 2+1
11 Deep Learning 2+1
12 Cloud Computing/ Certifications 2+1
13 Text Mining 2+1
14 Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence 3+0
15 Model & Inference 2+1
16 Methods of Data Analysis 3+0
17 Stochastic Processes 2+1
18 Time Series Analysis & Forecasting 3+0
19 Health Informatics 2+1
20 Optimization Techniques in Data Science 3+0
21 Introduction to Econometrics 3+0
22 Machine Learning for Data Science 3+0
23 Data Visualization/ Certifications 3+0
24 Deep Learning for Data Science 3+0
25 Data Warehousing 3+0
Stream 4. Full Stack Software Engineering
1 Web Development 2+1
2 Mobile App Development/ Certifications 2+1
3 SEO in Web Analytics 2+1
4 Full Stack Development 2+1
5 UX Design 2+1
6 Agile Development and Governance 2+1
7 IOS Enterprise Development/ Certifications 2+1
8 Android Games Development 2+1
9 System Requirements and User Experience 2+1
10 Graphics Programming 2+1
11 3D Graphics and Animation 2+1
12 Front-end Programming 2+1
13 Back-end Programming 2+1
14 Multitier Web Architectures 2+1
15 Database Design 2+1
16 Data Analytics 2+1
17 Computer Networks and Distributed Systems 2+1
18 System Administration 2+1
19 Database Design 2+1
20 ChatGPT for Professionals 2+1
21 Cloud Services for Web and Mobile Apps 3+0
22 DevOps for Web and Mobile Development/ Certifications 3+0
23 Data-Driven Web and Mobile Apps 3+0
Stream 5. Animation and Game Engineering
1 Game Development Fundamentals 2+1
2 3D Modeling and Animation 2+1
3 Game Engine Development 2+1
4 Computer Graphics and Visual Effects 2+1
5 Game Programming Languages 2+1
6 Animation Principles and Techniques 2+1
7 Human Computer Interaction 2+1
8 Art for Games 2+1
9 Story Boarding and Previsualization 2+1
10 Video Games and Creative Writing 2+1
11 Multicore and GPU Programming 2+1
12 Blockchain Technologies 2+1
13 Metaverse and its Applications 2+1
14 Interactive Games and Audio 2+1
15 Design of AR and VR Applications 2+1
16 Regulations & Ethics in Gaming Industry 2+1
17 Web 3D Programming 2+1
18 Game Testing and Quality Assurance/ Certifications 2+1
19 Technopreneurship/ Certifications 2+1
20 Video Production Techniques 2+1
21 AI for Games 3+0
22 Sound Design for Games and Animation 3+0
23 Motion Capture Techniques 3+0
24 Emerging Technologies in Gaming and Animation 3+0
Stream 6. Digital Marketing & E Commerce
1 E-commerce Fundamentals 3+0
2 Online Marketing and Analytics/ Certifications 3+0
3 E-commerce Platform Development 3+0
4 E-commerce Entrepreneurship 3+0
5 E-commerce Law 3+0
6 E-commerce Analytics 3+0
7 Data mining and personalization in E-commerce 3+0
8 Digital Marketing Fundamentals 3+0
9 Social Media Marketing 3+0
10 Search Engine Optimization/certification course 3+0
11 Content Marketing Strategies 3+0
12 Search Engine Marketing 3+0
13 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 3+0
14 Marketing Automation Tools and Techniques 3+0
15 E-commerce with Shopify & Affiliate Marketing 3+0
16 Cybersecurity in E-Commerce/ Certifications 3+0
17 Business Intelligence 3+0
18 Online Payment Systems 3+0
19 Web Analytics 3+0
20 Brand Management 3+0
21 E-commerce Strategy and Planning 3+0
22 E-commerce UX/UI Design 3+0
23 E-commerce Project Management 3+0
Stream 7. DevOps and Cloud Engineering
1 DevOps Fundamentals/ Certifications 2+1
2 Containerization and Orchestration 2+1
3 Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) 2+1
4 DevOps and Cloud Computing 2+1
5 Applied DevOps Engineering 2+1
6 Server-less Computing 2+1
7 Infrastructure as CODE 2+1
8 DevSecOps and Mobile Programming/ Certifications 2+1
9 Monitoring and Logging 2+1
10 Security in DevOps (DevSecOps)/ certification course 2+1
11 Version Control Systems 2+1
12 Automation in DevOps 2+1
13 Collaboration and Communication in DevOps 2+1
14 DevOps Project Management 2+1
15 Micro services Architecture 2+1
16 DevOps Toolchains and Pipelines 2+1
17 Configuration Management 2+1
18 Database Automation and Management 2+1
19 Performance Tuning and Optimization 2+1
20 Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity in DevOps 2+1
21 DevOps Metrics and KPIs 2+1
22 Quality Assurance in DevOps/ Certifications 2+1
23 Lean and Agile Practices in DevOps 2+1
24 Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and DevOps 2+1
25 Machine Learning Operations (LOps) 2+1
26 Cloud Computing Fundamentals/ Certifications 2+1
27 Advanced Cloud Computing 2+1
28 Cloud Security and Compliance 2+1
29 DevOps for Mobile Applications 2+1
30 Hybrid Cloud Environments 2+1
Stream 8. IoT & Networking
1 Basic of Computer Networks 2+1
2 Distributed Computing 2+1
3 Pervasive Computing 3+0
4 Cloud Based Networking / Certification Course 2+1
5 Wireless Network 3+0
6 Automatic Switching 3+0
7 IT Infrastructure 3+0
8 IT Audit and Security / Certification Course 3+0
9 Multi-Service Over IP Networks (VOIP) 3+0
10 WAN Infrastructure 2+1
11 LAN Switching Networks 2+1
12 WCDMA and Next Generation SDH Networks 2+1

Department Vision and Mission


Our vision is to become a leader in applied computing innovation, advancing academic excellence and cutting-edge research to address real-world challenges and drive technological progress.


Transforming students into industry leaders, the BS in Applied Computing program delivers an exceptional, professionally directed learning experience, equipping students with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in various domains of computing. We foster innovation, critical thinking, and ethical practices, preparing graduates for diverse career opportunities in the software industry, academia, entrepreneurship, and technical fields. Aligned with the university’s vision and mission, our program emphasizes technical proficiency, hands-on learning, interdisciplinary collaboration, and societal contributions, developing well-rounded professionals who drive technological advancements and societal progress.

Program Educational Objectives

The program has certain objectives, upon achievement of whom
the SE graduates of IU should be able


Establishing an in-depth understanding of theoretical concepts and industry best practices related to Applied Computing.


Enabling graduates to apply their comprehensive knowledge and skills in Applied Computing to address complex real-world problems, fostering innovative solutions and advancements in the field.


 Fostering a quest for learning and engaging in continuous professional development in the field of Applied Computing through research and the adoption of professional practices.


Developing the ability to work in a multi-disciplinary and multicultural environment, incorporating soft skills and maintaining high ethical standards.

Mapping of Vision and Mission to PEOs

Mapping of PEOs IU Vision IU Mission Department Vision Department Mission

Admission & Duration of Program

Eligibility Criteria

The requirements for admission in a BS (Applied Computing) program is Intermediate in computer science / pre-engineering, / pre-medical / A-level or equivalent with at least 45% marks


The minimum duration for the completion of BS (Applied Computing) degree is 4 years. In addition, the maximum duration is 7 years.

Degree Completion Requirements

To become eligible for award of BS (Applied Computing) degree, a student must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Must have studied and passed the prescribed courses, totaling at least 136 credit hours.
  2. Must have earned CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) of at least 2.5 on a scale of 4.0.

Program Learning Outcomes

PLO Attribute PLO Statement PLO Statement
Engineering Knowledge
An ability to apply knowledge of computer science, software engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex software engineering problems.
Problem Analysis
An ability to identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex software engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using software engineering principles, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
Design/ Development of Solutions
An ability to design solutions for complex software engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
An ability to investigate complex engineering problems in a methodical way including literature survey, design and conduct of experiments, analysis and interpretation of experimental data, and synthesis of information to derive valid conclusions.
Modern Tool Usage
An ability to investigate complex engineering problems in a methodical way including literature survey, design and conduct of experiments, analysis, and interpretation of experimental data, and synthesis of information to derive valid conclusions.
The Engineer and Society
An ability to apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solution to complex engineering problems.
Environment and Sustainability
An ability to understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
Individual and Teamwork
An ability to work effectively, as an individual or in a team, on multifaceted and /or multidisciplinary settings.
An ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing, on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Project Management
An ability to demonstrate management skills and apply engineering principles to one’s own work, as a member and/or leader in a team, to manage projects in a multidisciplinary environment.
Lifelong Learning
An ability to recognize importance of and pursue lifelong learning in the broader context of innovation and technological developments.

Mapping Between PEOs and PLOs

Engineering Knowledge
Problem Analysis
Design/ Development of Solutions
Modern Tool Usage
The Engineer and Society
Environment and Sustainability
Individual and Team Work
Project Management
Life-long Learning

Campuses Offering

IU ORIC is thrilled to announce that 4 innovative packaging designs from IU have been granted design patents by the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO). A special endorsement to Dr. Baber Khan from the Media Sciences Department for his exceptional contributions.

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