Iqra University

Bachelors of Science in Computer Science


Introduction to

Bachelors of Science in Computer Science

The BS (Computer Science) program offered by the department, emphasizes on the core areas of Computer Science with major focus on subjects relevant to Object Oriented Programming, Cloud Computing and Virtualization, Machine Learning, Mobile Application Development, Database Management System, FPGA Based System, Microprocessors based Systems.  The curriculum is designed to provide the students with a solid foundation of basic principles along with analytical techniques and design procedures. It has a strong design component that builds their ability to bring theoretical ideas into practical shape. The program has been developed in consultation with field experts to maintain teaching quality and relevance. In addition to the academic content, emphasis is given to the development of personal, managerial and presentation skills.



We aim to deliver top-tier education with an equal emphasis on both theoretical and applied aspects of computer science.   Technical proficiency, critical thinking, and a commitment to public duty are the hallmarks of our graduates.  Through innovative curricula,   an inclusive    environment,   and excellence in teaching   and   research,    we   empower   our   students    for   success     in   various   computer    science specializations.


  1. PO-1:  Establishing in-depth understanding of theoretical concepts related to Computer Science.
  2. PO-2: Applying core Computer Science knowledge and analytical skills to optimally solve real-world problems.
  3. PO-3: Imbuing quest for learning and engaging in continuous professional development in the field of computer science by carrying research and adopting professional practices.
  4. PO-4: Developing the ability to work in a multi-disciplinary and multicultural environment in teams incorporating soft skills and maintaining high ethical standards. 
Graduate Attributes (GAs)
1 Academic Education Completion of an accredited program of study designed to prepare graduates as computing professionals
2 Knowledge for Solving Computing Problems Apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, knowledge of a computing specialization, and mathematics, science, and domain knowledge appropriate for the computing specialization to the abstraction and conceptualization of computing models from defined problems and requirements
3 Problem Analysis Identify, formulate, research literature, and solve complex computing problems reaching substantiated conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics, computing sciences, and relevant domain disciplines
4 Design/ Development of Solutions Design and evaluate solutions for complex computing problems, and design and evaluate systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations
5 Modern Tool Usage Create, select, adapt and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations
6 Individual and Team Work Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings
7 Communication Communicate effectively with the computing community and with society at large about complex computing activities by being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and understand clear instructions
8 Computing Professionalism and Society Understand and assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues within local and global contexts, and the consequential responsibilities relevant to professional computing practice
9 Ethics Understand and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practice
10 Life-long Learning Recognize the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning for continual development as a computing professional

Graduate Attributes (GAs) Mapping with Program Objectives (POs)

S. No. GA’s PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4
1 Academic Education
2 Knowledge for Solving Computing Problems
3 Problem Analysis
4 Design/ Development of Solutions
5 Modern Tool Usage
6 Individual and Team Work
7 Communication
8 Computing Professionalism and Society
9 Ethics
10 Life-long Learning


Curriculum Framework in comparison with NCEAC CS 2023 Curriculum

S. # Area NCEAC 2023  CS Courses Count NCEAC 2023  CS Credit Hours NCEAC Cr. Hr. Percentage IU Courses Count IU Credit Hours IU Cr. Hr. Percentage
1. Computing Core 14 46 35.38% 14 52 38.24%
2. Domain Core 6 18 13.85% 6 18 13.24%
3. Domain Elective 7 21 16.15% 7 21 15.44%
4. Mathematics & Supporting Courses 4 12 9.23% 4 12 8.82%
5. Elective Supporting Courses 1 3 2.31% 1 3 2.21%
6. General Education Requirement 12 30 23.08% 12 30 22.06%
TOTAL 44 130 100% 44 136 100%

Structure of BS(CS) Program

Total Credit Hours: 136

Total Courses: 44

Semesters: 8

Duration:   4 Years


Category: Courses (Credit Hours)

General Education: 12 (30)

Major courses: 18 (64) + 7 (21)       

Allied/interdisciplinary courses: 5 (15)

Internship/field experience: N/A

Capstone project: 2 (6)

Total: 44 (136)


1 CMC111 CORE Programming Fundamentals 3 + 0 CMC111-L
CMC111-L CORE Programming Fundamentals (Lab) 0 + 1
2 GER111 GER Application of Information & Communication Technologies 2 + 0 GER111-L
GER111-L GER Application of Information & Communication Technologies (Lab) 0 + 1
3 GER121 GER Functional English 3 + 0
4 GER131 GER Calculus and Analytic Geometry 3 + 0
5 GER151 GER Natural Science (Applied Physics) 2 + 0 GER151-L
GER151-L GER Natural Science (Applied Physics (Lab)) 0 + 1
6 GER141 GER Islamic Studies 2 + 0
15+3 (18)
1 MTE111 MATHS Multivariable Calculus 3 + 0 GER131
2 CMC112 CORE Object Oriented Programming 3 + 0 CMC111 CMC112-L
CMC112-L CORE Object Oriented Programming (Lab) 0 + 1 CMC111-L
3 CMC121 CORE Digital Logic Design 2 + 0 GER151 CMC121-L
CMC121-L CORE Digital Logic Design (Lab) 0 + 1 GER151-L
4 GER122 GER Expository Writing 3 + 0 GER121
5 GER132 GER Discrete Structures 3 + 0 GER131
6 GER142 GER Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan 2 + 0
16+2 (18)
1 MTE212 MATHS Probability & Statistics 3 + 0 MTE111
2 CMC222 CORE Computer Organization & Assembly Language 3 + 0 CMC121 CMC222-L
CMC222-L CORE Computer Organization & Assembly Language (Lab) 0 + 1 CMC121-L
3 CMC251 CORE Data Structures 3 + 0 CMC112 CMC251-L
CMC251-L CORE Data Structures (Lab) 0 + 1 CMC112-L
4 CSC252 DOMAIN CORE Theory of Automata 3 + 0 GER132
5 CMC261 CORE Computer Networks 3 + 0 CMC121 CMC261-L
CMC261-L CORE Computer Networks (Lab) 0 + 1 CMC121-L
15+3 (18)
1 MTE213 MATH Linear Algebra 3 + 0 MTE111
2 MTE221 GER Technical & Business Writing 3 + 0 GER122
3 CSC223 DOMAIN CORE Computer Architecture 2 + 0 CMC222 CSC223-L
CSC223-L DOMAIN CORE Computer Architecture (Lab) 0 + 1 CMC222-L
4 CMC241 CORE Operating Systems 3 + 0 CMC251 CMC241-L
CMC241-L CORE Operating Systems (Lab) 0 + 1 CMC251-L
5 CMC253 CORE Analysis of Algorithms 3 + 0 CMC251
6 GERXXX GER Social Science I 2 + 0 GER122
16+2 (18)
1 CMC331 CORE Database Systems 3 + 0 CMC241 CMC331-L
CMC331-L CORE Database Systems (Lab) 0 + 1 CMC241-L
2 CSC354 DOMAIN CORE Compiler Construction 2 + 0 CSC252 CSC354-L
CSC354-L DOMAIN CORE Compiler Construction (Lab) 0 + 1 CSC252-L
3 CMC362 CORE Information Security 3 + 0 CMC261 CMC362-L
CMC362-L CORE Information Security (Lab) 0 + 1 CMC261-L
4 CMC371 CORE Software Engineering 3 + 0 CMC253
5 CSEXXX DOMAIN ELEC Domain Elective 1 3 + 0
14+3 (17)
1 CSC332 DOMAIN CORE Advance Database Management Systems 2 + 0 CMC331 CSC332-L
CSC332-L DOMAIN CORE Advance Database Management Systems (Lab) 0 + 1 CMC331-L
2 CMC381 CORE Artificial Intelligence 3 + 0 CMC253/ CMC371 CMC381-L
CMC381-L CORE Artificial Intelligence (Lab) 0 + 1 CMC253/ CMC371
3 CSC382 DOMAIN CORE HCI & Computer Graphics 2 + 0 CMC371 CSC382-L
CSC382-L DOMAIN CORE HCI & Computer Graphics (Lab) 0 + 1 CMC371-L
4 CSEXXX DOMAIN ELEC Domain Elective 2 2 + 1
5 ESCXXX GER Social Science II 3 + 0
1 CSC442 DOMAIN CORE Parallel & Distributed Computing 3 + 0 CMC241/ CSC382 CSC442-L
CSC442-L DOMAIN CORE Parallel & Distributed Computing (Lab) 0 + 1 CMC241-L/ CSC382-L
2 GER462 GER Technopreneurship 2 + 0
3 CMC491 CORE Final Year Project – I 0 + 3 CMC381
4 CSEXXX DOMAIN ELEC Domain Elective 3 2 + 1
5 CSEXXX DOMAIN ELEC Domain Elective 4 2 + 1
6 CSEXXX DOMAIN ELEC Domain Elective 5 2 + 1
1 GER443 GER Civics and Community Engagement 2 + 0
2 GER463 GER Professional Practices 2 + 0
3 CMC492 CORE Final Year Project – II 0 + 3 CMC491
4 CSEXXX DOMAIN ELEC Domain Elective 6 2 + 1
5 CSEXXX DOMAIN ELEC Domain Elective 7 2 + 1

Learning Outcomes

Job Market

Acquiring a degree in Bachelors of Computer Science at Iqra University enabled a candidate with higher possibility to get ‘Hired” quickly not only locally but in the global IT market. According to, a renowned online website for freelancers, every other day more than 20+ jobs published for computer science graduates. Daxx, a Global Tech published that there is a shortfall of talent for computer science graduate’s shortage in the US compare to the average for all occupations. Courses, Practice sessions in labs, Workshops, Webinars and Projects escalates the in-hand knowledge to our students that extend the reach towards global computer science & IT market focusing data science, machine learning, AI experts and web developers for companies across borders.


Campuses Offering

IU ORIC is thrilled to announce that 4 innovative packaging designs from IU have been granted design patents by the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO). A special endorsement to Dr. Baber Khan from the Media Sciences Department for his exceptional contributions.

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