Iqra University

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Bachelors of Science in Artificial intelligence


Introduction to

Artificial intelligence

The BS in Artificial Intelligence, offered by the Computer Science Department, equips the students with an in-depth knowledge about how to transform large and complex scenarios into actionable decisions. The program and its curriculum focus on how complex inputs such as knowledge, vision, language and huge databases can be used to make decisions to enhance human capabilities. The curriculum of this program includes coursework in computing, mathematics, automated reasoning, statistics, computational modeling, introduction to classical artificial intelligence languages and case studies, knowledge representation and reasoning, artificial neural networks, vision and symbolic computation. The program also encourages students to take courses in ethics and social responsibility, with the opportunity to participate in long term projects in which artificial intelligence can be applied to solve problems that can change the world for the better in areas like agriculture, defense, healthcare, governance, transportation, e-commerce, finance and education.

Learning Outcomes

Job Market

In Alekseeva et al. (2019), the graph shows the demand for AI skills, measured as the number of posted vacancies as a share of all online job vacancies has been rapidly increasing over the analyzed time period, and the growth has accelerated since 2015. Between 2010 and 2019, the absolute number of job postings looking for AI skills grew by a factor of ten in absolute numbers and by a factor of four as a proportion of total job postings.

The analysis, by accountancy giant PwC, found AI would boost economic growth, creating new roles as others fell away.


Campuses Offering

IU ORIC is thrilled to announce that 4 innovative packaging designs from IU have been granted design patents by the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO). A special endorsement to Dr. Baber Khan from the Media Sciences Department for his exceptional contributions.

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