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The management of IQRA University (henceforth, ‘IU’) is cognizant of the importance of cultural competence, exposure and collective wisdom. Hence, it encourages students to avail the opportunities offered by international universities for one or two semesters through exchange programs. The exchange programs are highly competitive and IU invites and supports students from diverse backgrounds to participate in the opportunities.
The following general guidelines on inbound and outbound exchange programs for students have been devised for adherence by all concerned.
The outbound exchange program will be channelized through the following streams
- In light of the terms and conditions as per the MOUs signed with foreign universities for exchange of students.
- Unique opportunities for exchange programs searched by the students and processed through the International Office
- Open access programs offered by international universities
- Internships/exchange programs offered by donor agencies such as UNDP, IUCN, UNESCO, etc.
Selection Criteria and Adherence Policy
The selected students will be the ambassadors of IU as well as Pakistan abroad. Therefore, due diligence must be exercised in the selection of students. In order for students to apply in exchange programs, the basic entry details are given below
- Students must meet the basic entry requirements of the host university including, but not limited to the medium of instruction, CGPA and semester completion requirement. To make international exchange programs effective and beneficial, most of the programs are offered with instruction in the English language. Thus, students must be proficient in English and demonstrate the same through an approved English-language proficiency test.
- Students must be able to meet visa requirements of the host country. The Office of the Registrar may provide a supporting letter stating your present status of studies, however, the University shall bear no responsibility in case the visa application of students is declined by the respective authorities e.g., high commission, consulate, or embassy, etc.
- Students must be enrolled in a regular program with full course load (exceptional cases must be approved by the concerned HoD /Dean).
- Students must meet the host university’s academic eligibility requirement in terms of a minimum CGPA
- Students must not have any disciplinary cases against them before or during the selection.
- Students must have been cleared by a registered physician to participate in the program
- IU shall not take the responsibility of any student voluntarily or involuntarily engaged in criminal or illegal activities at the host university and / or in the country.
Responsibilities of Assorted Offices /Departments of IU
The terms of reference of the concerned offices and departments for student exchange program are defined as below
International Office (IO)
- Request information on exchange openings during fall and spring semesters from the partner universities of IU
- Circulate the details of exchange opportunities among students
- Share a comprehensive protocol including, but not limited to the procedure to apply, timelines and other offerings, which are part of these exchange programs, e.g., financial grants, etc
- In liaison with all faculties, the IO will ensure that the available exchange opportunities are aligned with the available courses across all faculties.
- Be the main point of contact and act as a bridge between students and faculties to resolve their queries.
- Collect all the required documents from students
- Advise students regarding the steps to follow for a smooth execution of the process
- Guide and assist students on traveling, medical/health insurance or any additional service
- Help students find financial resources (self-financing or finding suitable scholarships).
- Ensure that queries from students / faculty /partner universities /embassies /education ministries are dealt with efficiently and appropriately
- Coordinate with the Government of Pakistan and other relevant organizations, like British council, USEFP, etc. for collaboration and exchange opportunities.
- Formulate strategies and identify means to promote the exchange programs and enhance internationalization in general.
- The IO team will develop positive and effective working relationships with partner universities by pro-actively seeking ways to improve internationalization.
- Manage all inbound and outbound internationalization activities of IU students.
- Remain the point of contact for students and their guardians
Faculty (Head of Department – HoD)
- Students will inform their HoDs about the possible courses they wish to take in foreign university along with the course outline
- Students interested in registering for the courses at a foreign university, for which they can avail credit transfer at IU, shall be properly advised by the relevant HoD about the compatibility of the courses they wish to take, based on the course content.
- An Equivalence Committee of the respective department/faculty will be formulated by the HoDs.
- The committee shall give clear instructions to the student, in writing, on a prescribed form, on the course(s) he/she can take to avail credit transfer, against course(s) of similar nature at IU as per the road map of the program he/she is studying.
- The committee shall ensure that the students’ desired courses/semesters of study are aligned with the courses offered in his/her degree program of IU.
- The committee shall ascertain that the students applying to these programs have the pre-requisites fulfilled
- In case there is mismatch between the courses offered at IU and Host University, the committee will clearly declare and convey to the student. The committee shall also ensure that it is studied upon return
- Students may choose some additional courses (not offered at IU) by the consent of their respective HoD. However, careful consideration should be made about credittransfer.
Directorate of Academics, Advanced Studies and Research (DAASR)
- Once the information on available courses is shared by the host university through the IO, the DAASR will conduct a mapping activity with coordination of the concerned HoD to ensure that courses offered are aligned with those offered at IU.
- A nominee of the DAASR will be a member of the departmental equivalence committee for the advisory purpose.
- The equivalence committee will establish a mechanism for the courses which will be deferred as a result of exchange program that must either be taken upon return or be compensated by the offered programs
- The decision on the duration and number of semesters, to defer, is to be taken by the DAASR in coordination of the relevant HoD and Dean (if required) according to the number of days a student will spend in a foreign university.
- Map out the minimum degree requirements before approving any coursework abroad.
- Work with the Deans for course mapping and credit transfer.
Equivalence Committee
The Equivalence Committee will comprise the following office bearers
- Dean / Campus Director
- HoD
- Director (Academics) Nominee
- Registrar / Nominee
Office of the Registrar
- Defer the semester of the outbound students prior going to foreign university, under the Exchange Program
- Ensure that there is no tuition fee charged for the semester(s) completed overseas
- Make sure that the student must adhere to departure and return dates as specified by his/her department.
- Verify that the duration of the semester(s) studied abroad will not be counted towards the calculation of time bar.
- Provide the transcripts, letters and any other official document to the students that are required by the host university
- Enrolment of student and preparation of his / her folder (for inbound students)
Transfer of credits as the result of an outbound exchange program
The final decision on credit transfer is to be taken, on return of the student, and successful completion of the courses, as per the following criteria:
- Students applying for credit transfer are to submit original interim transcript and the course outlines of the course(s) studied abroad to their relevant HoD. The Equivalence Committee will assess the cases and recommend to their respective HoDs.
- The same will be sent to DAASR by the HoD for the final approval
- Credit transfer of courses will only be allowed for degree level programs (equivalent to similar level programs at IU) offered on campus.
- Credit transfer will be allowed only for the courses with a similar standard, credit hours and matching description is available in the relevant academic program at IU. The marking criteria in foreign universities may differ from IU, therefore grade mapping mechanism may need to be established in each case.
- The courses must equate in description and laboratory work, if any, with the similar course of the relevant academic program of IU.
Fee and Cost of Living
- The responsibility of accommodation arrangement abroad, during the course of stay, will be on student. However, the IO may assist the selected students in finding suitable accommodation.
- In addition to the expenses pertaining to accommodation, students will also be responsible for traveling and visa/pass expenses, medical/health insurance or any additional service charges they wish to avail. It will be the responsibility of student to find financial resources (self-financing or finding suitable scholarships).
How to Apply
Students will need to submit the following documents at the time of application
- Application form for Exchange Program
- Transcripts
- Certificate of Language Proficiency (if required by the host university)
- Copies of identification documents (Passport or CNIC)
- A written bond with IU to return to Pakistan to continue their remaining studies with IU or to complete remaining degree requirements.
- Order amounting to PKR Rs50,000/- in favor of IU. The same will be returned to the student prior to their departure.
Upon-Return Procedures
Upon the return of students from exchange programs, following procedures shall be adopted
- IU to receive transcripts from the host university
- A credit transfer form must be submitted by students detailing course work completed.
- The Equivalence Committee will perform a mapping activity to see alignment and misalignment of courses taken with relevant program curriculum. Credits will be transferred to the existing grade points of student based upon the guidelines for transfer of credit hours above
- Students must share a detailed report on over-all experience during the exchange program.
- The students will be awarded certificates / transcripts in a certificate awarding ceremony. However, the originals will be dispatched to the parent institution.
- Graduating International students will be requested to fill in a feedback form along with the video testimonials both at Certificate Awarding Ceremony and after reaching at home institution
Eligibility for Honors & Awards
- Students availing the exchange program will be eligible for academic honors and awards, as long as they are taking full semester loads in their studies at IU and finishing remaining degree requirement with their batch of registration.
- If, as a result of the exchange activity, any of their courses are affected, these students would be permitted to make up for the shortfall (of the affected courses only) on return to IU either during the summer sessions, if offered, or during succeeding regular semester, in excess to their regular course load.
Click and download Application Form – Outbound Student Exchange Program
Click and download Program Exchange Details
IU’s inbound exchange programs are meant to invite international students to IU to spend a semester or two as part of their course of studies. Interested applicants will apply through an online application process whose details are given in the ensuing paragraphs.
International Office
The International Office will primarily oversee the affairs of inbound students. The details are to be followed below:
- advise the inbound students from foreign universities on the availability of courses, which they want to take at IU, in consultation with the HoD of the relevant department and Dean.
- Manage and monitor the communication/correspondence with the embassy for visa application and other requirements.
- Share details of all foreign students with Director Administration regarding their arrival schedule etc. for arranging hostel accommodation
- Share details of students including arrival schedule security clearance status with Chief Security Officer.
- In collaboration with the Administration Department, arrange meet-and-greet and commute to Hostel.
- Collection of all required documents from international students for submission to local police office through Security Office.
- Monitor the registration of foreign students with local police through the Administration Department.
- Monitor the necessary arrangement of transportation and security for students from IU to the police authorities, in case physical appearance is required.
- Liaise with the Administration Department to provide necessary security to students in case of visits outside IU
- Ensure to obtain medical fitness certificate duly issued by the parent country showing no communicable/contagious disease including COVID, HBV, HCV HIV (AIDS) etc.
- May also have them medically examined again on arrival, should there be a regulatory obligation in view of any pandemic. In case a student is medically unfit, the matter will be reported to the University Management
- Forward all necessary documents of foreign students to the Ministry of Interior for security clearance and visa renewal.
- Ensure that queries from students /faculty /partner universities /embassies /ministries are dealt with efficiently and appropriately.
- Formulate strategies and identify means to promote the exchange programs and enhance internationalization in general.
- Lead the IO team to develop positive and effective working relationships with partner universities by pro-actively seeking ways to improve the internationalization
- Remain the point of contact for students and their guardians
Partner Universities and Conformance to Procedures
- IU will advertise and promote the available exchange opportunities with its partner institutions, detailing eligibility criteria, course details and other essential information.
- Exchange programs will be offered across all the faculties subject to their capacity to accommodate students within the existing sections.
- IU will offer exchange programs based on its existing curriculum and academic courses
- Interested institutions will ensure alignment of courses subjected to exchange programs.
- IU will only award an official interim transcript to students for the courses they will have studied at IU.
Entry Requirements
In order for international students to study at IU on exchange programs, they must meet the following general entry requirements
- Students must have a strong academic record. In case of a different grading system being adopted by a partner / an interested institute, students must submit the grade point equivalence through their home institute.
- Students must meet the basic entry requirements of IU and be proficient in English. English Language Proficiency Certificate issued by the partnering university/regulatory authority must be submitted at the time of application.
- Students must be able to meet the visa requirements of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
- A minimum of 2.5 CGPA for undergraduate and 2.8 CGPA for postgraduate courses are required.
- Medical clearance certificate from home country, and if required, one from Pakistan if medical examination is conducted upon arrival
Fee and Cost of Living
IU will not charge any tuition fee for the programs offered under student exchange. However, boarding, lodging, traveling and medical expenses must be fully met by the parent institution or student. The Administration Department of IU may assist in finding suitable accommodation for the students.
How to Apply
Student will need to submit the following documents at the time of application
- Application form for Exchange Programs
- Grades equivalence from HEC Pakistan
- Transcript
- Nomination / Recommendation letter from the parent university
- x2 Recent passport-sized photographs
- Certificate of English Language proficiency
- The committee shall ascertain that the students applying to these programs have the pre-requisites fulfilled
- Copy of passport as a proof of identity
- Visa documentation
Procedure upon Completion
- Once the information on available courses is shared by the host university through the IO, the DAASR will conduct a mapping activity with coordination of the concerned HoD to ensure that courses offered are aligned with those offered at IU.
- A nominee of the DAASR will be a member of the departmental equivalence committee for the advisory purpose.
- The equivalence committee will establish a mechanism for the courses which will be deferred as a result of exchange program that must either be taken upon return or be compensated by the offered programs
- The decision on the duration and number of semesters, to defer, is to be taken by the DAASR in coordination of the relevant HoD and Dean (if required) according to the number of days a student will spend in a foreign university.
- Map out the minimum degree requirements before approving any coursework abroad.
- Work with the Deans for course mapping and credit transfer.
Equivalence Committee
The Equivalence Committee will comprise the following office bearers
- Dean / Campus Director
- HoD
- Director (Academics) Nominee
- Registrar / Nominee
Office of the Registrar
- Defer the semester of the outbound students prior going to foreign university, under the Exchange Program
- Ensure that there is no tuition fee charged for the semester(s) completed overseas
- Make sure that the student must adhere to departure and return dates as specified by his/her department.
- Verify that the duration of the semester(s) studied abroad will not be counted towards the calculation of time bar.
- Provide the transcripts, letters and any other official document to the students that are required by the host university
- Enrolment of student and preparation of his / her folder (for inbound students)
Transfer of credits as the result of an outbound exchange program
The final decision on credit transfer is to be taken, on return of the student, and successful completion of the courses, as per the following criteria:
- Students applying for credit transfer are to submit original interim transcript and the course outlines of the course(s) studied abroad to their relevant HoD. The Equivalence Committee will assess the cases and recommend to their respective HoDs.
- The same will be sent to DAASR by the HoD for the final approval
- Credit transfer of courses will only be allowed for degree level programs (equivalent to similar level programs at IU) offered on campus.
- Credit transfer will be allowed only for the courses with a similar standard, credit hours and matching description is available in the relevant academic program at IU. The marking criteria in foreign universities may differ from IU, therefore grade mapping mechanism may need to be established in each case.
- The courses must equate in description and laboratory work, if any, with the similar course of the relevant academic program of IU.
Fee and Cost of Living
- The responsibility of accommodation arrangement abroad, during the course of stay, will be on student. However, the IO may assist the selected students in finding suitable accommodation.
- In addition to the expenses pertaining to accommodation, students will also be responsible for traveling and visa/pass expenses, medical/health insurance or any additional service charges they wish to avail. It will be the responsibility of student to find financial resources (self-financing or finding suitable scholarships).
How to Apply
Students will need to submit the following documents at the time of application
- Application form for Exchange Program
- Transcripts
- Certificate of Language Proficiency (if required by the host university)
- Copies of identification documents (Passport or CNIC)
- A written bond with IU to return to Pakistan to continue their remaining studies with IU or to complete remaining degree requirements.
- Order amounting to PKR Rs50,000/- in favor of IU. The same will be returned to the student prior to their departure.
Procedure upon Completion
IU will adopt the following procedure upon the successful completion of exchange program by the international students:Upon the return of students from exchange programs, following procedures shall be adopted
- The students will be awarded Certificates/Transcripts in a certificate awarding ceremony. However, the originals will be dispatched to the parent institution.
- Graduating international students will be requested to fill in a feedback form along with video testimonials both at the Certificate Awarding Ceremony and after reaching home institution
Eligibility for Honors & Awards
- Students availing the exchange program will be eligible for academic honors and awards, as long as they are taking full semester loads in their studies at IU and finishing remaining degree requirement with their batch of registration.
- Graduating international students will be requested to fill in a feedback form along with video testimonials both at the Certificate Awarding Ceremony and after reaching home institution
Click and download Application Form – Inbound Student Exchange Program