Iqra University



Iqra University Grad



The vision of Iqra University is to educate more and more Pakistani’s supporting them to spend their lives in a proper and prosperous manner. Iqra University, supports its students throughout their educational journey via scholarship for tuition fee, fee payment plans and interest free educational loans. Policy parameters are designed to provide a holistic educational experience, acknowledging merit, promoting talent, and handholding the financially weak.

Available Scholarships and Financial Assistance:

Iqra University offers a diverse range of scholarships and financial assistance opportunities, based on multiple performance and need based eligibility criteria. The level of financial support may range from 10% to 100% subject to the fulfilment of designed policy parameters and qualifying CGPA with full course load for following available Scholarships and Financial Assistance Programs.

  1. Merit Based Scholarship
  2. Talent Based Scholarship
  3. Alumni Scholarship
  4. Loyalty Scholarship
  5. Faculty & Staff Scholarship
  6. Need Based Scholarship
  7. Financial Assistance
  8. Differently Abled Student Scholarship
  9. Collaborations

University has the right to make changes, withdraw or reduce the scholarships and / or financial assistance, as and when thought appropriate at its sole discretion, without notifying or consulting with any stakeholder(s). The decision of the university is final and binding upon the students and can’t be challenged with respect to any scholarship and financial assistance offered. The university reserves the right to restrict the number of the student offered scholarship and financial assistance, to introduce additional steps/criteria/interviews/tests, etc., at any time, without any notice or consultation at its sole discretion.

These Scholarships and Financial Assistance are subject to the availability of Funds as allocated by Iqra University at its sole discretion. Students can avail only one scholarship at a time, which is financially most favorable to the student.

Iqra University acknowledges the past academic performance of students under different disciplines, and provide them full chance to improve and earn a better scholarship in the University at the time of admission in any of the campuses of Iqra University. These scholarships are purely merit based with following parameters:


1. Scholarship at Admission Stage based on Prior Academics & Admission Test Performance:

Iqra University acknowledges the past academic performance (Eligibility Education) of students, while conducting its own admission tests at its various campuses. Admission test is designed to gauge the suitability of the potential candidates in relevant courses / programs offered by the University.

Previous Academics Performance {FA / FSC / “A’ Level or equivalent}:

Even if the student has relatively lower performance in the previous academics, the option created by the University gives him / her a chance to earn a scholarship subject to the fact that student has secured at least 45% marks with no subject with less than 40% marks in his / her previous academic qualification. Following two options are designed on the cumulative basis with a ceiling of 35% for the 1st Semester Tuition Fee Only.

Sr. No.

Marks Obtained {%}*

Scholarship Offered

Intermediate / “A” Level Result

Scholarship Offered

Admission Test Result of Iqra University


50% – 60%




> 60% – 70%




> 70% – 75%




>75% – 80%




> 80% – 85%




> 85%



* Past Academic Performance at the time of admission & Iqra University Admission Test Results marks. These two will settle the total cumulative scholarship %age to be applied subject to maximum ceiling of 35%.


Previous Academics Performance {Graduate}:

Sr. No.


Marks Obtained

{CGPA/Equivalent %}

Scholarship Offered

{Tuition Fee Only}


Previous Degree Performance

> 3.80 />



>3.60 – 3.80/



3.50 – 3.60%


  • Above merit-based scholarship is valid ONLY for 1st Semester with full course load.

12 / 15 Cr. Hr. for undergraduate programs

12 Cr. Hr. for graduate programs

09 Cr. Hr. programs where limited courses are offered.

  • From 2nd Semester onwards, student is eligible to avail other academic and non-academic scholarships, if he / she qualifies for the same as per performance criteria set by the respective policy document of the University.

Note: 1st Semester Scholarship, based on prior academic performance & entry test results at the time of admission will not be available to the students in forthcoming semesters.

  • Student can avail only one scholarship at a time, which is most favorable to the student.


2. Continuation of Scholarship based on Academic Performance Beyond First Semester for Graduate / Under Graduate Program

University acknowledges academic performance during the entire academic journey of its students. It gives room for students to keep on improving their performance while winning scholarships from the University as token of appreciation.

University also acknowledges the good and positive behavior in the academic journey and rewards / penalizes students on this account. To qualify for the options following has to be adhered to by the students.

General Terms & Conditions:

  1. No disciplinary proceedings pending against the student
  2. Students have taken at least 12 / 15 credit hours or 05 Courses for Undergraduate Program, 09/12 credit hours for Graduate Program as the case may be
  3. Qualifying CGPA will be 3.5 in each case.

Sr. No.


Marks Obtained


Scholarship Offered {Tuition Fee Only}


Semester Examination Results

= 4



= > 3.75 < 4



= > 3.5  < 3.75%


Student can avail only one scholarship at a time, which is most favorable to the student.

Iqra University acknowledges the need for a healthy body for a healthy mind, and in channelizing the energies of the youth in positive & productive directions. University has established state of the art facilities and created other avenues giving students options to best utilize their talent and energies and become more productive citizens of Pakistan.

To encourage the students, both at admission and during their academic journey, University has formulated scholarships to acknowledge the students’ talent. To avail scholarships, following are the qualifying criteria:

  1. At the time of admission:
  • Not less than 45%* / CGPA 2.0 in his / her last academic qualification
  • Must pass University Admission Test
  • Student must have been awarded Gold / Silver / Bronze Medal at Regional / National / International Level events organized by the authentic bodies duly verifiable & recognized by the University.
  • Must clear the interview and assessment of University’s “Talent Assessment Committee”
  • Scholarship, if awarded, will be for 1st Year only. However, from 2nd Year onwards, student will be eligible to avail other academic and non-academic scholarships, if he / she qualifies for it as per performance criteria set by the respective policy document of the University.

* For AD Program Not less than 40% in his / her last academic qualification


2. During Academic Journey with Iqra University:

  • Must have participated in Zonal* / National / International events at least in last 12 months while being student of the Iqra University
  • Must have cleared the interview & assessment of University’s “Talent Assessment Committee”
  • Haven’t represented any other institution / organization during his stay with the University in any Semester
  • Must maintain a minimum CGPA is 2.50
  • No scholarship will be awarded again for a course in which student has “F” grade.
  • No disciplinary proceeding is pending against the student
  • Student is not involved in any prohibitive activity
  • Student must maintain an attendance of 80% or above

* Minimum five universities must have participated in such competition to qualify for the scholarship program.

Following Scholarship Grid will be applied in both cases.

Sr. No.


Scholarship Offered {Tuition Fee Only}

Up to


Winner of Gold / Silver / Bronze Medal at International Event



Participated at International Event and Winner of Gold / Silver / Bronze Medal at National Level



Winner of Gold / Silver / Bronze Medal at National level



Winner of Gold / Silver / Bronze Medal at Zonal* / Regional Level Events


Student, if qualifies can avail other academic and non-academic scholarships subject to the condition that he / she qualifies for the same as per criteria set by the respective policy document of the University. Student(s) can avail only one scholarship at a time which is most favorable to the student.

Following are the members of “Talent Assessment Committee”

Sr. #




Registrar or his / her nominee



One Person Nominated by VC



Director Sports



Coach / Mentor / Facilitator



Director / Head Students Societies


If student(s) win the Gold / Sliver / Bronze Medal in aforementioned events or in any H.E.C Inter-University Championship, University will pay an additional prize money @ PKR 35,000/- for winning Gold Medal, @PKR 25,000/- for winning Silver Medal, and @PKR 20,000 for winning Bronze Medal. This additional prize will be extended to all such winners.

Vision of Iqra University, as defined in its vision & mission statement, is to provide affordable education to citizens of Pakistan. In order to achieve its vision, University signs-off Memorandum- Of-Understanding {MOU} with different Welfare Organizations / NGOs / NPOs / Trusts etc. to offer scholarships to deserving students in its various programs.

Iqra University, enters into MOUs with organization offering different scholarships, based on the very basic concept that each student, referred / supported by any such Organization must meet Iqra University basic admission criteria and must continue to comply, during his / her education journey, with Iqra University minimum academic criteria to continue availing the scholarship.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Student must be a citizen of Pakistan
  • Attain the required academic minimums for admission
  • Have an outstanding academic performance
  • Outstanding talent in legitimate and recognized extra-curricular activities
  • Must take full course load in regular semester with a qualifying CGPA
  • Must be properly approved by the sponsoring body in writing, after due diligence and verification of academic performance.

Percentage of scholarship offered under any MOU based program will be on the recommendation of Director Finance and Approval of Chancellor / Vice Chancellor up to 30%. Any discount exceeding 30% is to be approved by Chancellor on the recommendation of Director Finance + Vice Chancellor. This discount will be offered only on Tuition Fee.

After 1st Semester, student(s) can avail other scholarships offered by the University, if he /she qualifies for it as per performance criteria set by the respective policy document of the University. Student can avail only one scholarship at a time, most favorable to the student.

To Continue, availing the scholarship, the student must meet the following basic criteria failing which scholarship will be withdrawn:

General Terms & Conditions:

  1. No disciplinary proceeding is pending against the student
  2. Student is not involved in any prohibitive activity
  3. CGPA is 2.50 or above
  4. No “F” grade in any subject
  5. Must have 80% attendance
  6. Must participate in “IU Volunteer Program” of Iqra University

Iqra University offers scholarships to its Alumni to encourage them for further studies. Students shall avail the Alumni scholarship for their under graduate and graduate degrees based on prior performance in last degree at the time of admission. This will be applicable for the entire journey of the students on Tuition Fee only.

IU Degree CGPA

Scholarship Percentage

CGPA > 3.75


CGPA > 3.50 <= 3.75


CGPA > 3.0 < = 3.50


CGPA 2.5 < = 3.0


General Terms & Conditions:

  1. After 1st semester maintaining CGPA is compulsory to continue with scholarship offered as below:

Grade In Semesters

Grade At Admission

CGPA > 3.75

CGPA > 3.5 < = 3.75

CGPA >2.5 < = 3.5

CGPA 2.5

CPGA = > 3.50





CGPA 3.00 to 3.49





CGPA 2.50 to 2.99





2. 100% of the scholarship offered is withdrawn if:

  • CGPA falls below 2.50
  • “F” grade in any subject
  • Any disciplinary proceeding is pending against the student
  • Student is involved in any prohibitive activity
  • Student drops any Semester during his / her educational journey
  • Student fails to maintain 80% attendance

Alumni, after 1st Semester, can avail other academic and non-academic scholarships, if he / she qualifies for it as per performance criteria set by the respective policy document of the University. The student can avail only on scholarship at a time, which is most favorable to the student.

The above is inclusive of Iqra University Associate Degree & Degree Program students.

Iqra University offers admissions through its multiple campuses in Sindh & Federal Capital Territory. To facilitate the students coming from the same family, University offers scholarship to the family members to share the burden on Tuition Fee aligning to its mission to educate Pakistani Citizen at an affordable price.

Sibling Admission Scholarship:

Sr. No.


First Student

Second Student

More Than Two


No Sibling





One Sibling *





More than One sibling **




*        Two from same family

**     More than two but up to four from the same family.

In order to maintain the scholarship after the 1st Semester following would be applicable.

General Terms & Conditions:

  1. Must qualify Iqra University admission criteria
  2. Must provide evidence of relationship {NADRA Form B / FRC}
  3. Step brother(s) and sister(s) are not considered part of the family
  4. After 1st semester maintaining CGPA is compulsory to continue with scholarship offered as below:

Grade In Semesters

CGPA = > 3.5

CGPA 3.00 to 3.49

CGPA 2.5 to 2.99

No Sibling




One Sibling




> One Sibling




5. 100% of the scholarship offered is withdrawn if:

  • CGPA falls below 2.50
  • “F” grade in any subject
  • Any disciplinary proceeding is pending against the student
  • Student is involved in any prohibitive activity
  • Student drops any Semester during his / her educational journey
  • Student fails to maintain 80% attendance

6. Scholarship is calculated on the basis of the date of admission of each student, while existing sibling discount will be calculated on the admission fee applicable at the time student has taken the admission

7. Sibling scholarship is based on the date of admission, with no prior period adjustment under any circumstances

8. Sibling scholarship as mentioned above is applicable for each sibling’s independent scores and will not impact each other’s academic performance for availing the scholarship

9. Sibling scholarship once awarded will continue till completion of the program subject to condition in (d) and (e)

Sibling, after 1st Semester, can avail other academic and non-academic scholarships, if he / she qualifies for it as per performance criteria set by the respective policy document of the University. The student can avail only one scholarship at a time, which is most favorable to the student.

Children & Spouse Admission Scholarship:

Spouse & Children of Iqra University Graduates will be offered a scholarship of 20% only on Tuition Fee.

General Terms & Conditions:

  1. Must qualify Iqra University admission criteria
  2. Must provide evidence of relationship as defined by the University
  3. After 1st semester maintaining CGPA is compulsory to continue with scholarship offered as below:

Grade In Semesters

CGPA = > 3.5

CGPA 3.00 to 3.49

CGPA 2.5 to 2.99

Spouse & Children




4. 100% of the scholarship offered is withdrawn if:

  • CGPA falls below 2.50
  • “F” grade in any subject
  • Disciplinary proceeding pending against the student
  • Student is involved in ant prohibitive activity
  • Student drops any Semester during his / her educational journey
  • Student fails to maintain 80% attendance

5. Scholarship is calculated on the basis of date of admission of each student

6. Scholarship as mentioned above is applicable for each Spouse & Children’s independent scores and will not impact each other’s academic performance for availing the scholarship

7. Scholarship once awarded will continue till completion of the program subject to condition in (c) and (d) above

Student(s) can avail other academic and non-academic scholarships offered by the University, if he /she qualifies for it as per performance criteria set by the respective policy document of the University. The student can avail only one scholarship at a time, which is most favorable to the student.

Iqra University, encourages its faculty & staff members and their spouse and children to pursue further education in the field of their choice. To facilitate its Faculty & Staff Development, scholarship on Tuition Fee is being offered based on length of service to each employee of Iqra University.


Service > 1 year

Service > 2 year

Service > 3 year

Service > 5 year

Scholarship – Tuition Fee Only

{G1, G2, M1, M2, M3, A1, A2}





Scholarship – Tuition Fee Only

{M4, M5, M6, A3, A4, A5, A6}





Scholarship – Tuition Fee Only

(M7, M8, M9, M10, A7, A8}





In order to continue with the above offered scholarship, following criteria must be maintained by the employee during his / her academic journey.

General Terms & Conditions:

  1. Must qualify Iqra University admission criteria
  2. Must provide evidence of relationship as defined by the University
  3. Employee, his / her spouse and children opt for courses from Iqra University other than MS / Certificate course(s)
  4. Employee, his / her spouse and children can’t take admission at the Campus, in which he / she is employed unless approved by Vice Chancellor
  5. Employee must have successfully completed probation period
  6. 100% of the scholarship offered is withdrawn if:
  • CGPA falls below 2.50
  • “F” grade in any subject
  • Any disciplinary proceeding is pending against the student
  • Student is involved in any prohibitive activity
  • Student drops any Semester during his / her educational journey
  • Students fails to maintain 80% attendance

7. Student must actively participate in “IU Volunteer Program” of Iqra University

8. Employee must serve Iqra University for at least one year after completion of studies

Student(s) can avail other scholarships offered by the University, if he /she qualifies for it as per performance criteria set by the respective policy document of the University.

Student can avail only one scholarship at a time, which is most favorable to the student.

In case Employee leaves Iqra University without serving the mandatory one-year period after completing the studies, he / she refund the amount of Scholarship on Tuition Fee under this policy, as per following recovery matrix:


Service > 1

Service > 2

Service > 3

Service > 5

Served up to six months





Served beyond six months but less than one year





Employee who has already availed the scholarship / discount, prior to issuance of this policy, will continue to enjoy the already approved discount as per terms & conditions applicable at the time of approval of their respective scholarship / discount under this head. However, recovery proceeding in case of mandatory period with Iqra University after completion of their study will be applied, in case of non-compliance.

Iqra University’s mission is to keep higher education for citizens of Pakistan at affordable level, while acknowledging the fact that there would be bright and talented students who still can’t afford to pay for their higher education.  To support all such deserving students, Iqra University extends financial supports in terms of waiver of Tuition Fee up to 100%. 

To ensure transparency in its approach, and properly understand each financially week student needs, Iqra University, has established a “Financial Assistance Committee”, to evaluate each application which is duly supported by documents (Family income, liabilities, financial status etc.), and give a proper chance to each deserving student to present his / her case before the Committee. The committee is to form a standard rubric for assessments across all the campuses. The committee is to meet during the first 4 weeks of the commencement of semester to finalize the cases. Following are members of the Committee.

Sr. #







Campus Director



Director Finance or his / her nominee



Deputy Registrar of relevant Campus



Director / Manager Student Affairs


Registrar is to complete all the cases of IU campuses and make the recommendations including the total financial effects for the approval of VC latest by 5th week of commencement of semester.  

General Terms & Conditions:

  1. Must qualify Iqra University admission criteria
  2. Proof of Financial Condition of the students
  3. Properly filled-out prescribed Application Form
  4. 100% of the scholarship offered is withdrawn if:
  • CGPA falls below 2.50
  • “F” grade in any subject
  • Any disciplinary proceeding is pending against the student
  • Student is involved in any prohibitive activity
  • Student drops any Semester during his / her educational journey
  • Students fails to maintain 80% attendance

5. Student must actively participate in “IU Volunteer Program” of Iqra University

Keeping in view the socio-economic conditions, Iqra University offers Qarz-E-Hasana to the deserving students with week financial position to pursue their dream of higher education from Iqra University. No interest is charged by the University on such support extended to the deserving students.

The Financial Assistance Committee, as constituted under para 6 will decide about such cases too. However, for Qarz-e-Hasana, the committee can meet once every month to dispose off applications received.

General Terms & Conditions:

  1. No disciplinary proceeding is pending against the student
  2. Student is not involved in any prohibitive activity
  3. CGPA is 2.50 or above
  4. No “F” grade in any subject
  5. Must have 80% attendance
  6. Proof of Financial Condition of the student
  7. Properly filled-out prescribed Qarz-E-Hasana Form
  8. No. of Semester(s) such support is required
  9. Student must actively participate in “IU Volunteer Program” of Iqra University


Extent of Financial Support:

Following grid will be applicable to determine the extent of financial support

Sr. No.


Tuition Fee Support {Up to}


If Parents fall under the category equivalent to G1, G2 of Iqra University



If Parents fall under the category equivalent to M1, M2 & M3 of Iqra University



If Parents are deceased and guardian fall under the category equivalent to G1, G2 of Iqra University



If Parents are deceased and guardian fall under the category equivalent to M1, M2, M3 of Iqra University



Self-employed and fall under the category equivalent to G1, G2 of Iqra University



Self-employed and fall under the category equivalent to M1, M2, M3 of Iqra University


In exceptional cases, where performance of such deserving student is outstanding following matrix will be applied for the financial support irrespective of the above grid:



= 4


= > 3.75  <  4.0


=> 3.5 <  3.75


Qarz-E-Hasana amount will be returned to the University within one year of graduation in equal instalments or lump sum as per convenience of the student. This program is subject to the availability of the allocated budget and funds, as defined by the University at its sole discretion.

Differently Abled Students Scholarship:

IU is committed to providing support to differently abled students, ensuring equitable access to educational opportunities for all. Financial assistance program is designed to further this mission with following specific details:

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Student must be a citizen of Pakistan
  • Attain the required academic minimums for admission
  • Have an outstanding academic performance*
  • Must produce “Disability Certificate” certified by National /Provincial Council for the Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons or a CNIC with a disability logo or proof of registration in NADRA’s database as a “Special Person”
  • Must take full course load in regular semester with a qualifying CGPA of 2.5

Following further conditions will apply to all differently abled students of Iqra University:

  • 100% scholarship on Tuition Fee
  • Age relaxation of up to 10 years for admission
  • One seat for MS, M.Phil & PhD


* As defined by HEC Policy guidelines.

IU ORIC is thrilled to announce that 4 innovative packaging designs from IU have been granted design patents by the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO). A special endorsement to Dr. Baber Khan from the Media Sciences Department for his exceptional contributions.

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