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Iqra University Celebrates First IU-CORE Graduation Ceremony on June 28th!

Congratulations to the pioneering cohort of IU-CORE for graduating on June 28th! These dedicated startups spent the past six months honing their skills through intensive learning sessions led by industry experts.

During the ceremony, Mr. Umair Ahmed Khan, Manager IU-CORE, highlighted the achievements of the first cohort and their success throughout the program. The Vice Chancellor of Iqra University, Dr. Nassar Ikram, discussed the university’s commitment to promoting entrepreneurship across its campuses via IU Core. We were honored to have Mr. Asif Ikram, Secretary of IT, Sindh, as the Chief Guest. He congratulated the graduates on their entrepreneurial journey and expressed his excitement for their future success.

This is just the beginning! We’re all ready to welcome the next cohort of young minds brimming with groundbreaking ideas.

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